FOI request detail


Request ID: FOI-2225-1920
Date published: 12 November 2019

You asked

under The Freedom of Information Act 2000 i make a formal request for how many appeals you have received and how many you have rejected and how many you have withdrawn and under what reason they have been withdrawn. I also request where are the signs throughout London and approaching London and I requested proof it was advertised throughout the country just as it was throughout London. Within London there will be busses banners leaflets everywhere apparently but from where I'm from i knew nothing. I also request under this act the income amount you have generated through this scheme from April 2019 - September 2019

We answered

Our ref: FOI-2225-1920/GH

Thank you for your request received by Transport for London (TfL) on 17 October 2019 asking for information about ULEZ Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) and appeals.

Your request has been considered under the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and our information access policy. I can confirm that we do hold the information you require.

Under The Freedom of Information Act 2000 i make a formal request for how many appeals you have received and how many you have rejected and how many you have withdrawn and under what reason they have been withdrawn. I also request where are the signs throughout London and approaching London and I requested proof it was advertised throughout the country just as it was throughout London. Within London there will be busses banners leaflets everywhere apparently but from where I'm from i knew nothing.

We introduced the ULEZ on 8 April 2019. As the ULEZ scheme was new, between 8 April and 10 May we issued warning notices rather than PCNs.

In order to challenge a penalty the recipient must first submit a representation to us. If the representation is accepted the penalty is cancelled. If we reject the representation the motorist has a further right of appeal to an Independent Adjudicator at London Tribunals.

Since the 10 May 2019 and up until 30 October 2019, TfL has issued 360,882 ULEZ PCNs. We have received 55,510 representations against these PCNs, of which 22,141 have been rejected, 24,479 have been accepted and 8,890 are awaiting a decision. We cannot provide data broken down by reason the penalties were withdrawn.

Of the 22,141 PCN representations which were rejected we received 1,416 appeals which went to an independent adjudicator. Of these 8 were allowed, 292 were refused, 41 were withdrawn by the appellant, 323 were non contested by TfL and 752 are awaiting a decision.

We have endeavoured to provide adequate information to ensure that all motorists, including those from outside London, are aware of the ULEZ and how it operates. As well as placing signage at each entry and exit point and along all main approaches to the zone, our website contains extensive information regarding the scheme and how it operates. This includes a detailed map of the zone boundary along with a location check facility. Motorists can enter a postcode, street name or location name to verify whether or not their journey took them through the zone.

Furtehr information is available through our call centre, where customers are able to obtain advice and guidance on whether a given route or destination lies within the zone and whether a charge is payable. However, having passed signage to make them aware that they are entering or leaving the zone, the onus is on drivers to familiarise themselves with the rules of the scheme and ensure that the charge is paid within the prescribed timeframe. All information on the ULEZ is available here, and information on how to challenge a PCN can be found here.

We spent over £1.5 million between May 2018 and July 2019 to prepare drivers for the implementation of the ULEZ. This spend consisted of advertising, direct marketing and emails to raise awareness of the implementation of the ULEZ, where and how the scheme operated, which vehicles were affected and how payment could be made.

The campaign targeted both private and commercial vehicle owners, using a multi-channel approach to reach drivers based within and outside London. In addition to paid media advertising messages ran on posters across the public transport network and at key roadside locations. National press articles also ran in the Daily Mail, Daily Mirror and The Sun, and radio adverts ran across 10 stations.

I can confirm that your vehicle was observed at Tower Hill in the ULEZ, and I have attached a map highlighting the signage for the ULEZ which is placed to warn drivers of the zone. This is in addition to signage on the approach roads to the zone before passing the boundary entry points.

I also request under this act the income amount you have generated through this scheme from April 2019 - September 2019

Since the 10 May 2019 and up until 30 October 2019 TfL has received £42,908,812.50 in revenue from daily charges paid by drivers entering the zone, and £18,341,157 in paid PCN revenue.

If this is not the information you are looking for, or if you are unable to access it for some reason, please do not hesitate to contact me.

If you are not satisfied with this response please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal.

Yours sincerely

Graham Hurt

FOI Case Officer

FOI Case Management Team

General Counsel

Transport for London


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