FOI request detail

FoI Request Re C9 Findings

Request ID: FOI-1601-2324
Date published: 04 September 2023

You asked

Please provide TfL’s evaluation of C9. In doing so, please tell me. What has been the cycle accident rate on C9 between Hammersmith Gyratory and Heathfield Terrace since it was built vs the accident rate on the same stretch of road in 2019, the year before it was built. How has cycling usage changed on C9 between Hammersmith Gyratory and Heathfield Terrace since it was built compared to 2019, the year before it was built. What has happened to bus journey times on the route between Hammersmith gyratory and Heathfield Terrace since C9 was built and 2019, the year before it was built. Please provide the same answers to these questions for the stretches of road/C9 in LBHF (ie: from Olympia to the end of King St, where it meets Goldhawk Rd) and for Chiswick, between Goldhawk Rd and Heathfield Terrace. Since TfL’s original consultation in 2016, what research has it undertaken into the local approval of C9 and if any has, please provide a copy of it. Please provide a copy of the draft report on C9 that is being prepared for the London Borough of Hounslow (LBH). If a similar report on C9 is being prepared for the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham or has recently been prepared, please provide a copy of it. Please provide a copy of any internal report of paper prepared for the Mayor by TfL on the success of C9. As you have previously told me that work is being undertaken on a full evaluation of C9 for LBH, I am assuming that little additional time will be required to produce the information I am seeking. If doing this is not too time consuming, please provide copies of any third party research TfL has seen since 2018 into the success (or otherwise) of C9 and/or the popularity of C9. Finally, please tell me if TfL agrees that the chart below correctly supports the assertion that since the beginning of August 2022 and the end of May 2023, the use of cycles and other two wheeled vehicles on C9, in King St, between 7.00 am and 7.00 pm, has been lower than before C9 was built in 2019. Furthermore, in the light of this data and accident data on C9 in King St, would TfL agree that C9 has failed to deliver the main benefits claimed, ie: more cyclists or safer cycling, in the said period?

We answered

Our ref: FOI-1601-2324/GH
Thank you for your request received by Transport for London (TfL) on 12 August 2023 asking for information about C9.

Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Environmental Information Regulations and our information access policy.  I can confirm that we hold some of the information you require. Your questions and our replies are as follows:
  1. What has been the cycle accident rate on C9 between Hammersmith Gyratory and Heathfield Terrace since it was built vs the accident rate on the same stretch of road in 2019, the year before it was built.

All collisions that take place on London’s streets are included on TfL’s Road Safety dashboard which has been provided to you in previous requests. The is link provided here for ease of reference

Highway authorities normally take into account at least three years’ worth of collision data when making conclusions about road safety matters. Improvements were being made to the experimental scheme on King Street and Chiswick High Road over various time periods and at different locations until June 2023, so it is not possible to look at three years of data in this case. However, as part of LB Hammersmith & Fulham’s (LBHF) decision to make the experimental scheme on King Street permanent, the road safety of the scheme was carefully considered. The LBHF report is provided here The report also sets out the boroughs intention to make improvements to the road layout to improve cycle safety and these started on street earlier this year.

Similarly, TfL has assessed the road safety of the experimental scheme on Chiswick High Road following upgrades to the road layout. The information can be found on TfL’s consultation page Have your Say page.
  1. How has cycling usage changed on C9 between Hammersmith Gyratory and Heathfield Terrace since it was built compared to 2019, the year before it was built.

The data for the Hammersmith section is covered in the LBHF decision paper (link provided above) This sets out TfL historical data at the Kings Street junction with Bridge Avenue has been assessed. The 6am to 10pm two-way cycle volume in 2017 was 1,531 cycles. This volume increased by 34% to 2,064 cycles in 2021, and increased further in 2022 to 2,804 cycles, an 83% increase. This data indicates there has been significant growth in cycle numbers since the installation of the scheme.

TfL has also assessed this information for the Hounslow section along Chiswick High Road and has published regular updates that highlight an increase in cycling (these are covered in previous FOIs). The latest information can be found on TfL’s consultation page Have your Say page.
  1. What has happened to bus journey times on the route between Hammersmith gyratory and Heathfield Terrace since C9 was built and 2019, the year before it was built.

LBHF considered the impacts on bus journey times in their decision paper (link provided above).

TfL has also assessed this information for the Hounslow section along Chiswick High Road. The information can be found on TfL’s consultation page Have your Say page.
  1. Please provide the same answers to these questions for the stretches of road/C9 in LBHF (ie: from Olympia to the end of King St, where it meets Goldhawk Rd) and for Chiswick, between Goldhawk Rd and Heathfield Terrace.

Please see our answer to question 3 above.
  1. Since TfL’s original consultation in 2016, what research has it undertaken into the local approval of C9 and if any has, please provide a copy of it.

Between 21 September and 31 October 2017 TfL consulted on proposals for Cycleway 9, from Kensington Olympia to Brentford town centre. The consultation asked for feedback on the proposals from residents, businesses, employers, transport users and other relevant stakeholders. We received 5,388 direct responses to the consultation, of which 59 per cent supported or strongly supported the proposals. The link for this report is as follows:

LBHF gathered feedback on the experimental scheme along King Street commencing in December 2021. In October 2022, LBHF undertook public consultation inviting feedback on the scheme via an online survey. The details of the consultation are included in the LBHF decision report which highlights that 52% of respondents said the scheme had a positive impact on the area.

TfL has also undertaken public engagement for 6 months on the experimental scheme along Chiswick High Road between 4 October and 3 April 2023, The factual report covering this information can be found on TfL’s consultation page Have your Say page.
  1. Please provide a copy of the draft report on C9 that is being prepared for the London Borough of Hounslow (LBH).

The information can be found on TfL’s consultation page Have your Say page.
  1. If a similar report on C9 is being prepared for the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham or has recently been prepared, please provide a copy of it.

The decision by LBHF was taken on 5 March 2023 to convert the experimental scheme along King Street to permanent and includes TfL assessment of monitoring data is included in LBHF’s report.
  1. Please provide a copy of any internal report of paper prepared for the Mayor by TfL on the success of C9.

We do not hold the information being requested.
  1. As you have previously told me that work is being undertaken on a full evaluation of C9 for LBH, I am assuming that little additional time will be required to produce the information I am seeking.

If doing this is not too time consuming, please provide copies of any third party research TfL has seen since 2018 into the success (or otherwise) of C9 and/or the popularity of C9.

We do not hold the information being requested
  1. Finally, please tell me if TfL agrees that the chart below correctly supports the assertion that since the beginning of August 2022 and the end of May 2023, the use of cycles and other two wheeled vehicles on C9, in King St, between 7.00 am and 7.00 pm, has been lower than before C9 was built in 2019. Furthermore, in the light of this data and accident data on C9 in King St, would TfL agree that C9 has failed to deliver the main benefits claimed, ie: more cyclists or safer cycling, in the said period?

The graph below compares data from two entirely different data sources that are not from TfL. One of the data sources is from a single day and we cannot confirm the locations of both sources. It is not advised to make comparisons of data from different data sources, methodology or locations.

TfL’s data along King Street comparing 2017 and 2022 shows an 83% increase in cycling.

TfL has assessed this information for the Hounslow section along Chiswick High Road and has published regular updates that highlight an increase in cycling (these are covered in previous FOIs). The latest information can be found on TfL’s consultation page Have your Say page.
If this is not the information you are looking for, or if you are unable to access it for any reason, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal as well as information on copyright and what to do if you would like to re-use any of the information we have disclosed.

Yours sincerely

Sara Thomas
FOI Case Management Team
General Counsel
Transport for London

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