FOI request detail

Pedestrian deaths and Injuries caused by cyclists, e-scooters and other forms of wheelie transport except motorists

Request ID: FOI-1131-2425
Date published: 25 July 2024

You asked

Please provide figures and give a breakdown for each year 2010 - 2024 (to date) inclusive on pedestrian deaths and injuries caused by cyclists, e-scooter and other forms of wheelies excluding motorists from collisions. Please give figures for each London Borough, road locations or wards where applicable and injuries/deaths recorded with brief details of the cause. Please post the reply if possible. Thank you. Clarification received 11/07/2024: It’s really as you describe it below in the acknowledgement of my request eg ‘other forms of non motorised transport.’ This would include be e-scooters, scooters, roller skates even. If is difficult to provide these figures from your records, please just give the information for cyclists and e-scooters as they form the basis of my FOI request.

We answered

TfL Ref: FOI-1131-2425

Thank you for your request received by Transport for London (TfL) on 8th July 2024 - as clarified on 11th July 2024 - asking for information about pedestrian deaths and injuries caused by cyclists, e-scooters and other such forms of non-motorist transport.

Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act and our information access policy. 

Specifically you asked:

Please provide figures and give a breakdown for each year 2010 - 2024 (to date) inclusive on pedestrian deaths and injuries caused by cyclists, e-scooter and other forms of wheelies excluding motorists from collisions.

Please give figures for each London Borough, road locations or wards where applicable and injuries/deaths recorded with brief details of the cause. “

On 11th July 2024 you clarified that “wheelies” means “..other forms of non motorised transport. This would include be e-scooters, scooters, roller skates even. If is difficult to provide these figures from your records, please just give the information for cyclists and e-scooters as they form the basis of my FOI request.”

I can confirm that we hold some of the information you require.

TfL does not hold data on “wheelie” transport such as roller skates, skateboards, manually propelled scooters etc. The advice from the Department for Transport on collecting and recording such data is that anyone injured using such modes is coded as a pedestrian.  Details of the recording process can be found on the DfT website here:  Road accidents and safety statistics - GOV.UK (

We do hold details of E-scooter related collisions from 2019 onwards, which is provided in the first spreadsheet attached. Note that rental e-scooters are the only way to ride an e-scooter legally in public spaces in London, as explained further on our website here:

We also hold data of pedestrians injured by pedal cyclists from 2010, and this is provided in the second spreadsheet attached. This should be viewed in the context of the 1.26 million cycle journeys that were made per day in London in 2023. It is not possible to provide Ward details as these are not required to be recorded by the police. We can, however, provide a location description that uses road names, which are included in the spreadsheets. It is not possible to provide a description of how each collision occurred as this would require the manual trawl of over 3,400 records, which is not possible within the 18 hour costs limit for sourcing information to answer FOI requests, as set out under section 12 of the Freedom of Information Act. All 2023 and 2024 records are currently provisional and subject to change.

If this is not the information you are looking for, or if you are unable to access it for any reason, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal as well as information on copyright and what to do if you would like to re-use any of the information we have disclosed.

Yours sincerely,

David Wells
FOI Case Officer
FOI Case Management Team
General Counsel
Transport for London


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