How much does it cost to maintain one of these vehicles?
TRV is maintained by Transplant, a division of Tube Lines Limited who are an internal supplier and owned by TfL. We have a £302k operating expenditure cost which TransPlant charges for operating the vehicle, which includes maintenance as well as the costs of drivers and operatives, but we do not have a further breakdown.
ATMS maintenance budget estimate is £215,479 per annum.
How much does LU lose in terms of revenue –
When there are delays (e.g. for every minute delayed, how much does LU lose in terms of revenue or cost)
When parts of the rail line are shut down for maintenance during operating time (i.e. emergency maintenance)
Lost Customer Hours (LCH) is the performance metric London Underground uses to measure disruption experienced by customers. It is an aggregate of the duration of disruption and the number of people affected for all delays greater than two minutes.
In simple terms, 1,000 people delayed by 6 minutes would be expressed as 100 LCH. In practice, LCH also takes into account the effects of crowding, weighting factors and consequential delays beyond just any initial delay to the railway so is a composite of many delay types, some of which may reflect very different types of disruption.
In terms of a proxy for revenue loss, we apply a figure of around 0.28 of the value of the Lost Customer Hours (LCH).
How much does it cost to timetable maintenance services into the running service (i.e. the maintenance trains that don’t carry passengers, but you see them drive through stations sometimes)
The operation of the overwhelming majority of trains that support maintenance and, importantly, renewals work is carried out by Transplant, previously part of Tube Lines and now part of the JNP group.