Request ID: FOI-0660-2122 Date published: 19 July 2021
You asked
Are you able to send me where the London ulez cameras are
We answered
Our ref: FOI-0660-2122/GH
Thank you for your request received by Transport for London (TfL) on 2 July 2021 asking for information about ULEZ cameras.
Your request has been considered under the requirements of the Environmental Information Regulations and our information access policy.
I can confirm that we do hold the information you require. We do not use separate camera networks to monitor and enforce different Road User Charging (RUC) schemes. Please see the attached spreadsheet for details of the locations of camera sites in the central London zone. This information applies to all RUC schemes, including the Congestion Charge and the current ULEZ.
The aim of the LEZ and ULEZ schemes is to improve air quality in London by deterring the most polluting vehicles from driving in the area. Unlike the central London zone, it is not possible to have cameras on every single entry and exit point of the LEZ due to the sheer scale of the zone. Releasing the location of these cameras could enable those who wish to avoid detection to enter the zone. The locations of the cameras outside the central London zone are therefore exempt from disclosure under the Environmental Information Regulations exception 12(5)(g). Whilst we make no suggestion that you would use this information for anything other than you own personal interest, disclosure of this information to you has to be regarded as a disclosure to ‘the public at large’.
The locations of the cameras for the expanded ULEZ are still being finalised, however TfL is not likely, in any event, to release into the public domain the location of such cameras for the same reasons as those detailed above, as to do so would undermine their purpose.