FOI request detail

Worcester park traffic

Request ID: FOI-0648-2021
Date published: 03 August 2020

You asked

Please treat each question as a separate request if they are likely to take over the proposed time limit. The London Borough of Sutton has proposed a number of changes to central road which runs through Worcester Park and is Used by the bus routes 151, 213, S3 and X26 which will severely impede the flow of traffic I have set out 2 of the proposed changes 1. The closure of Browning Avenue near Dorchester Road to all traffic except buses, emergency services and cycles. My questions relates to the proposed changes in the area regarding 2. The introduction of a one way system working with a cycle contraflow in Lincoln Road. 3. The proposed changes to browning avenue to close it for the majority of traffic 4. the current temporary cycle lane put in place under Worcester Park train Bridge My questions are: 1. How much discussion has there been between Tfl and the London Borough of Sutton on these proposed changes and their impacts? 2. Has Tfl considered their impacts on its bus routes.if so what will be the impact? 3. If you were unaware of the potential significant impact what is your proposed response 4.. On the 4 bus routes above what has been the average bus times been over the last 2 years. Can you show whichever breakdown on average bus times over the last 2 years 5. How often do you meet with Sutton to discuss impact to bus timetables and average bus times

We answered

TfL Ref: FOI-0648-2021

Thank you for your request received by Transport for London (TfL) on 20th July 2020, shown below.

Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act and our information access policy. 

Your questions are answered in turn as follows:

Question 1: How much discussion has there been between TfL and the London Borough of Sutton on these proposed changes and their impacts?

TfL does not have regular scheduled meetings to discuss services and average journey times with boroughs. We meet them as and when there are significant proposals which will affect public transport. In the case of Sutton Council, we have started discussions on the impact of an experimental bus gate that might be introduced. This is to understand the impacts on the bus network and look at how we can reduce these as much as possible on customers. It also helps us understand if there might be other activities taking place in the borough (not necessary instigated by the council but other third parties) which could complicate our plans. We then use this information to frame our plans and keep our stakeholders informed.

Question 2: Has TfL considered their impacts on its bus routes? If so what will be the impact?

We are considering these. Schemes that place restrictions on vehicles but exempt buses have reduced impacts on journey times and are welcomed by us. We need more information from Sutton to understand the likely traffic that may be displaced onto surrounding roads and potentially to neighbouring bus routes. When we have this, we will be in a better position to know the full impacts and consider the best mitigations for customers. We have not yet finished discussions.

Question 3: If you were unaware of the potential significant impact what is your proposed response?

See answer to question two above.

Question 4: On the 4 bus routes above what has been the average bus times been over the last 2 years. Can you show whichever breakdown on average bus times over the last 2 years

The reliability of bus services is measured against wait time and how much of the overall schedule is provided by respective bus operators. This is published quarterly on our website here: and

In accordance with section 21 of the FOI Act, we are not required to provide you with the requested information as it is readily available elsewhere.

Question 5: How often do you meet with Sutton to discuss impact to bus timetables and average bus times?

See answer to question one above.

On a more general matter, please note that the impact of current circumstances on TfL’s resources means we are not able to answer FOI requests readily and we ask that you please do not make a request to us at present.

Answering FOI requests will require the use of limited resources and the attention of staff who could be supporting other essential activity. In any event, please note that our response time will be affected by the current situation.

Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal as well as information on copyright and what to do if you would like to re-use any of the information we have disclosed.

Yours sincerely,

David Wells

FOI Case Officer

FOI Case Management Team

General Counsel

Transport for London

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