FOI request detail

Citymapper's Tube Map

Request ID: FOI-0371-2425
Date published: 22 May 2024

You asked

Hey TfL, I just had a couple of queries regarding the Tube Map licensed for Citymapper to be shown on its App. The TfL tube map shown on their app dates from April 2024 (Version J TfL 04.2024) ...and has the Reference Number (Reg. user No. 23/M/3659/P). 1) This looks little differently designed to the quad-royal poster maps we see at stations or the pdf tube map shown online over on the TfL website, so just wanted to request if you could kindly share me a copy of this map that Citymapper uses (or an unlicensed version of the same) please? 2) Secondly from my observations, this looks quite similar to the Pocket Tube Map in terms of its design, so can you kindly confirm if the map Citymapper have been given is the same map as the Pocket version of the tube map? 3) Finally in a previous FOI request about half a year ago (FOI-3043-2324), you confirmed that the 2 stations of Catford & St Mary Cray have gained Step-free access by November 2023, but 2 other stations of Streatham & Petts Wood have been delayed and ended-up opening their Step-free facilities in 2024 instead (around the same time as another new Step-free station Plumstead). However on the (April 2024 dated) tube map licensed for Citymapper, the map shows that the latter 3 stations of Streatham, Petts Wood & Plumstead are Step-free with wheelchair blobs - But the former 2 stations of Catford & St Mary Cray are confusingly Not shown as Step-free accessible (albeit you confirmed that these 2 stations actually became Step-free back in 2023 even before the newer 3 stations) as shown in the attached image below that I have annotated for your convenience: Hence, would you mind just confirming to me why the 2 earlier stations (Catford & St Mary Cray) aren't shown as Step-free accessible with wheelchair blobs on their map, but the later 3 stations (Streatham, Petts Wood & Plumstead) in contrast are shown as such please?

We answered

TfL Ref: FOI-0371-2425

Thank you for your request received by Transport for London (TfL) on 1st May 2024 asking for information about the Citymapper's Tube Map.

Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act and our information access policy. 

I can confirm that we hold the information you require. Your questions are answered in turn below:

Question 1) I just had a couple of queries regarding the Tube Map licensed for Citymapper to be shown on its App. The TfL tube map shown on their app dates from April 2024 (Version J TfL 04.2024...and has the Reference Number (Reg. user No. 23/M/3659/P). This looks little differently designed to the quad-royal poster maps we see at stations or the pdf tube map shown online over on the TfL website, so just wanted to request if you could kindly share me a copy of this map that Citymapper uses (or an unlicensed version of the same) please?

Answer: I am afraid that the information is exempt from disclosure under section 43(2) of the Freedom of Information Act, the exemption that applies where release of information would prejudice commercial interests. This map has been created for licensed use only, along with the 2020 version of Tube map version J - more information in this regard can be found here: 

The number on the map (Reg. user 23/m/3659/P) is the registered user number, which is unique to the commercial license in place with City Mapper. We therefore cannot issue this map as to do so would undermine the commercial interest of both TfL and City Mapper, which has paid TfL for the licence.

As a ‘qualified’ exemption, the use of section 43(2) is subject to consideration of the ‘public interest test’ to determine whether it is in the greater public interest for the exemption to apply and the information to be withheld, or for it to be released in any event. We appreciate the need for openness and transparency in the operation of our business, and the fact you have requested the information is in itself an argument in favour of release. However, as a largely publicly funded authority we have a responsibility to secure the best value for the public purse, which includes maximising the income we can make from commercial revenue streams such as this. To undermine such revenue streams would ultimately cost the public, as the gap in funding would need to be filled by public money. We therefore believe that the greater public interest rests in the exemption applying. This is especially the case given the wealth of similar such information which can already be found in the public domain via the TfL website.

Question 2) Secondly from my observations, this looks quite similar to the Pocket Tube Map in terms of its design, so can you kindly confirm if the map Citymapper have been given is the same map as the Pocket version of the tube map?
Answer: No, this is not the exact same map as the Pocket Tube map. As referenced above,  this is a commercial licensing Tube map, Version J. The version City Mapper is using is Version J 2024. 
Question 3) Finally in a previous FOI request about half a year ago (FOI-3043-2324), you confirmed that the 2 stations of Catford & St Mary Cray have gained Step-free access by November 2023, but 2 other stations of Streatham & Petts Wood have been delayed and ended-up opening their Step-free facilities in 2024 instead (around the same time as another new Step-free station Plumstead). However on the (April 2024 dated) tube map licensed for Citymapper, the map shows that the latter 3 stations of Streatham, Petts Wood & Plumstead are Step-free with wheelchair blobs - But the former 2 stations of Catford & St Mary Cray are confusingly Not shown as Step-free accessible (albeit you confirmed that these 2 stations actually became Step-free back in 2023 even before the newer 3 stations) as shown in the attached image below that I have annotated for your convenience:

Hence, would you mind just confirming to me why the 2 earlier stations (Catford & St Mary Cray) aren't shown as Step-free accessible with wheelchair blobs on their map, but the later 3 stations (Streatham, Petts Wood & Plumstead) in contrast are shown as such please?

Answer: This is not a request for recorded information under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act. That said, colleagues inform me that this is simply down to an error on this version of the map and both of those stations should include the accessibility symbol. TfL will work to rectify this error. 

If this is not the information you are looking for please do not hesitate to contact me.

Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal as well as information on copyright and what to do if you would like to re-use any of the information we have disclosed.

Yours sincerely,

David Wells
FOI Case Officer
FOI Case Management Team
General Counsel
Transport for London

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