FOI request detail

Regional Speed Limit Changes

Request ID: FOI-0240-2324
Date published: 03 May 2023

You asked

I have recieved a number of driving offence letters in recent months and I was hoping to get more information on changes to speed limits in the area, particularly for the A40 nr Terrick St W12 to A40 nr Paddington Grn W2 and surrounding roads. Alternatively/in addition, would it be possible to receive a summary of all speed limit changes in the area over the past year? Any information would be much appreciated. Thanks.

We answered

TfL Ref: FOI-0240-2223

Your correspondence of 6th April 2023 - detailed below - has been passed to me for response by our Customer Services team as it constitutes a request for recorded information. 
Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act and our information access policy. 

Specifically you asked:

I have recieved a number of driving offence letters in recent months and I was hoping to get more information on changes to speed limits in the area, particularly for the A40 nr Terrick St W12 to A40 nr Paddington Grn W2 and surrounding roads. Alternatively/in addition, would it be possible to receive a summary of all speed limit changes in the area over the past year?

The speed limit along the entire stretch of the Westway between the A40 Northern roundabout to the west and Marylebone flyover to the east was reduced in July 2020 from 40mph to 30mph. Slowing the speed helps protect and extend the life of the ageing expansion joints in the road until they can be replaced. This makes it less likely we will have to close parts of the Westway for unplanned works. More information in this regard can be found on our website here:

It is not entirely clear from the wording of your request what other roads or “area” you are interested in. If the above information does not satisfy your request, please confirm what other roads or precise area you are interested in and we can consider the matter further.

Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal as well as information on copyright and what to do if you would like to re-use any of the information we have disclosed.

Yours sincerely,

David Wells
FOI Case Officer
FOI Case Management Team
General Counsel
Transport for London

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