Request ID: FOI-0040-2425 Date published: 30 April 2024
You asked
Thank you for getting back to me . However you have not really addressed all of the issues previously raised. For instance , you claim that 95% of the vehicles entering the ULEZ are compliant with ULEZ standards. If that is truly the case how on earth did TFL manage to generate an extra £23.6 million in the first month alone of the ULEZ expansion ? Your statement and the £23.6 million figure are not compatible. If the total number of vehicles paying the charge is going down how can the revenue from the ULEZ be going up ? It doesn’t make sense.
The figure of 700,000 given by the RAC related , I believe , to the number of drivers the ULEZ expansion could have potentially affected which should have been taken into account during the consultation process but as we all know these so-called public consultations are just box ticking exercises. Londoners voted against the ULEZ expansion but were totally ignored which only goes to prove my point. The Transport Secretary , Mr Mark Harper MP , could have stopped the expansion under the 1999 GLA act Section 143 but he unbelievably chose not to which only gave credence to the theory that the powers that be were happy to impose yet another tax on the motorist because TFL were skint and the Government wanted the money back that they had given to TFL via the three bailouts. This has always been a money making exercise at the expense of the motorist and not about cleaner air in London. The scientific studies have all said the ULEZ expansion will have a negligible effect on air quality . The ULEZ expansion has been one big con and the vast majority of Londoners know it .
Can you elaborate on how and where TFL got the £145-155 million in order to service the ULEZ expansion considering their coffers were all but empty ? Kind regards
We answered
TfL Ref: FOI-0040-2425
Thank you for your further request received by Transport for London (TfL) on3 April 2024 asking for information about the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) expansion.
Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Environmental Information Regulations and our information access policy. I can confirm that we hold the information you require.
The compliance rate of 95% reflects an estimate of the number of vehicles that are observed in the entire zone that are compliant with the ULEZ standards. These do not attract a ULEZ charge.
The ULEZ expansion brings into scope vehicles that previously did not travel within the pre-expansion ULEZ boundaries. The expansion in of itself generates incremental revenue.