Before you apply for the Blue Badge discount on behalf of a Blue Badge holder, a London Road User Charging account must be set up in their name. (Sign in now if they already have an account.)
To create an account, click on 'Continue' and complete all required fields. You can also set up optional services, such as mobile phone text alerts, to help you and/or the account holder manage the discount.
Once the London Road User Charging account has been created and you or the account holder sign in, you will be directed automatically to complete the discount application. You will need to upload images of:
Plus 1 of the following proofs of identity:
As you are not the Blue Badge holder you will also need to download, complete and return an authorisation form. This form will confirm that you are authorised to act on behalf of the Blue Badge holder.
The completed form can be scanned and uploaded along with other documents we need later in this application. If you are unable to scan or upload documents you can post them to the address provided at the end of the application process.
Download authorisation form