Follow-on from FOI-3056-2223: Please may I now request under the FOIA: – a copy of each complaint mentioned in your table on point 2 below – a copy of the contract between TFL and Kone, and...
I request that you provide me with the following information relating to Cycleway 9 in Chiswick. a) The total cost of the initial installation of phase 3a. b) The cost of subsequent changes...
Please can i have the link to access the ibus announcements, im just curious to hear them all.
Can you tell me how often , TFL train drivers , tube drivers and bus drivers have to have a DBS check , IE is it every 6 months , a year or two years etc
TFL introduced a safety ban of e-scooters on its network due to privately-owned e-scooters and e-unicycles catching fire whilst on TfL services or infrastructure. In a previous FOI request, the...
Dear Transport for London, I am writing to you, pursuant to s.1 the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (the act), to request the following information from Transport for London. Pursuant to s.1(a)...
How will the tendering work for the new "Superloop" routes, will the existing routes change operator or stay as the current operators?
Dear Transport for London, Firstly, thank you very much for the information provided under FOI-3031-2223. The amount of people walking between those two stations was higher than I anticipated. I'd...
I want you to come back to me with the display points of every single sign on the place I was caught, the advertising that has been done on media channels outside London, and the number of fines...
Dear FOI Office, This is a request for data on the payment methods used to pay for London Underground Fares, specifically: - Unique number of credit/debit card pay-as-you-go transactions...