
17980 requests found

If you have a question regarding your ongoing request, please email [email protected]

F/on from FOI-2145 Thank you for your initial response to my Freedom of Information Act request for documents regarding the contract or change order between Transport for London and Cubic Transportation...

Dear Transport for London, Dear sir or madam. I recently made this request here a couple of months ago asking for the sound files of the Pauline Cavilla voiced London Underground station...

Could you confirm the current rate of fare evasion across the LU network? How is this determined/measured? What are the top 10 fare evasion hotspots? Fare Evaders have been seen regularly...

Hello Can you please provide: 1. a copy of the Consultation Report pertaining to Ulez Expansion to the Greater London Area. 2. a copy of the Order pertaining to the Ulez Expansion to the Greater...

Community Panels Pilot - please provide a full disclosure of all correspondence and notes of telephone conversations, attendance meetings and documentation sent or received in relation to initial...

I understand that the online "Fatigue Reporting Form'', centrally monitored by the Safety, Health, and Environment Fatigue Team, received 23 reports in the year 2022. I note that this form says...

In October 2021, TFL launched its latest campaign to tackle sexual harassment on public transport. I would like to know the number of cases about/related to "intrusive staring" since October...

i request the exact locations of all the ulez cameras please

Please provide me with the evidential source data pertaining to the below tweet by your staff Will Norman, clamining two-thirds of all car journeys could be walked or cycled within 20 minutes....

Dear Transport for London I have questions about heritage/vintage bus running day services provided by heritage bus firms and organisations. For example, Ensignbus held a special running day...