
19064 requests found

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Number of successful suicides on the London Underground train network for the period 2008-2017 (latest available) by Week/Station/Line/Age group/Gender/Ethnic Group. Do staff have any particular...

Can you tell me the following information about the Congestion Charging systems upgrade in the fourth quarter last year? 1. What areas did the systems upgrade cover 2. How many accounts were...

Why will you not trial the consulted scheme when you were quite happy to approve bus boarders at Southbury Road Ponders End (Stops H & J) that have resulted in the junction ceasing up, particularly...

Via Freedom of Information, please provide any draft timetable and business cases for operating Enfield Town and Chingford trains an hour later all week to bring them in like with Chingford trains,...

1. How many staff are employed by London Underground broken down by gender in the following positions: Customer Service Assistant 1 Customer Service Assistant 2 Customer Service Supervisor Customer...

I would like to make a freedom of information (FOI) request: How many staff has TfL investigated for using their staff pass whilst on sick leave since years 2005 to current date ? What were...

Can you give me technical drawings of the 1983 tube stock that operates on the Jubilee Line. Could these include drawings of the sides and front of the trains please and any other technical information. Do...

What is TfL's current estimate of the construction costs of building a Underground station at Bricklayer's Arms as part of the extension of the Bakerloo Line extension?

Please send me any documents created as part of your organisation's preparations for the TfL Engineering Transformation. For example, papers relating to any formal working/steering groups, programme/project...

I would like to make the following freedom of information request. Please publish in full the information TfL has on (a) passenger figures, and (b) levels of overcrowding for the following bus...