
17564 requests found

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Hello, I’m resending the FOI enquiry I sent yesterday (from a different email address) Please can you provide documentation on who owns the sports grounds land that TFL have a lease on until...

Dear Transport for London, I am reaching out under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 concerning the Santander Cycles scheme's electronic fob distribution. After experiencing issues with not...

How many complaints were lodged about bedbugs on TFL services in 2021, 2022 and 2023? How many complaints were lodged about bedbugs on TFL services broken down month-by-month between January-December...

How many 108’s run a day, each way. How often the 108 has started its journey late, since 14 March 2023 until 13 March 2024. Numbers, not average or %. How often has the 108 arrived late to...

Hello can you tell what TFL’s project Detroit is and when is likely to be implemented please

Following the appeal regarding the unsatisfactory response to FOI request 212-2324, I am writing as suggested to try to give greater detail about the information I am seeking. Having little...

Dear Sir or Madam I want to know what date, month and year that all bus map was started to finished no longer on this list with leaflet or booklet? Central London Bus Map London Night Bus Map North...

Follow-up to EIR-4096-2324: This is very illuminating – thank you. On the pdf, can you help me please with an explanation of what cycle stages/day means and how it is collected. Also, is that...

Dear Transport for London, Please tell me how many CPOS operational officers have been dismissed since 1 March 2021. I would like to also know their functional area (e.g public transport,...

Hello, may I know on whose authority distinction was removed between standard white bus stops and 'request' stops? Also, may I see the documentary record of this decision?