
17564 requests found

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Hi I am a London Bus driver. As you are aware as per procedure we are required to carry the big red book as part of the 9 items we absolutely have to have on duty. Now we are being asked to...

Please provide me with the number of injuries caused by wing mirrors striking pedestrians between 1 January 2018 and 30 September 2023. With each incident, please provide: • date of incident. • type...

Please provide daily utilisation figures for cars using this facility over calendar year 2023. Ideally, I am requesting separate daily figures of normal and blue badge vehicles to see how these...

I'm writing to you to request information on the claims made by Londons Mayor about the ULEZ. I would like to request the names of the 4,000 people that have had health problems and possibly...

Follow-up to TfL Ref: 1711-2324. Dear TfL, Further to my previous request, please provide the following: Any correspondence between yourselves, MTR and Network Rail relating to the repair...

Please accept our Freedom of information request in relation to the following questions. We wish to have information concerning the supply of new Seat Covers, New Seat Trim, New Seat Foams...

QICS performance by route over the last

Please provide me with a list of Private Hire Operators showing which Tier they are in please.

I would like to ask PLEASE whether The GLA Side Roads (City of London) Designation Order 2000 has been revoked and replaced by a later order? If it has, I would like a copy of the most recent...

How many fines have been issued to people as a result of being caught by a mobile ulez camera van since the latest expansion. Please give a detailed weekly report