
17564 requests found

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Dear Sir/Madam I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information regarding Holborn underground station, for one 24 hour period between Monday...

Can you please let me know how many housing developments have been approved on TfL land since May 2016? Also, can you please tell me the affordable housing requirements for these developments,...

Follow on from FOI-1010-1617 The information you provided was not what I was after. Therefore could you provide me with emails from 1. TfL management, John Mason ,Helen Chapman to Russell Hall....

Please could you provide me with. 1) All correspondence between Uber and TfL (TfLTPH) regarding the issue of Uber's relicensing (in May and September) 2) All information TfL can supply as to...

I am writing to request under the Freedom of Information Act, how many drug tests you carry out at your depots and how many drivers are sacked in result of any positive results. I would also...

Please can you provide all correspondence between TfL (TfLTPH) and Onfido (your approved DBS checking company). Between the dates of - September 2016 to September 2017.

Could you please confirm: a) What is the status of the three safety cameras located in Old Farleigh Road, Farley Road and Addington Road (South Croydon)? b) If these cameras are operational...

I'm requesting a copy of communications between TfL representatives and representatives from Uber in relation to Uber's application to renew its PHV Operator's licence in 2017. I am also requesting...

Follow-on from FOI-1475-1718: I am writing to you to request a CD containing all available announcement used in London transport, but mostly London Overground, iBus and Underground announcements.

Dear Transport for London, Please can you supply me uder foi All email correspondence between Silka Kennedy-Todd & Uber between 4 March 2017 to 10 May 2017.