FOI request detail

London Safety Camera Partnership

Request ID: FOI-0792-1718
Date published: 21 September 2017

You asked

Could you please confirm: a) What is the status of the three safety cameras located in Old Farleigh Road, Farley Road and Addington Road (South Croydon)? b) If these cameras are operational what information do you have on their accuracy? c) If they are operational how many incidents have been caught on camera in the last twelve months for which records are held? d) If they are not operational, why not? Such devices are only meant to be installed where there is a hazard to road or footpath users - if that is why they were installed then why are they not operational. If they are not installed for such reasons why were they installed at all?

We answered

TfL Ref: FOI-0792-1718


Thank you for your email received on 30 June 2017 requesting information about traffic cameras.


Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act and our Information Access Policy. I can confirm we do hold some of the information you requested. You asked:


  1. What is the status of the three safety cameras in Old Farleigh Road, Farley Road and Addington Road (South Croydon)?

    The three sites referred to are all currently operational.


  2. If these cameras are operational, what information do you have on their accuracy?

    Safety cameras are Home Office Type Approved devices installed by specialist contractors. This Type Approval assures accuracy of speed measured, verified by a “secondary check” utilising the carriageway markings


  3. If they are operational, how many incidents have been caught on camera in the last twelve months for which records are held?

    TfL do not hold records for the numbers of incidents caught on Safety Cameras. Though we provide speed cameras, we do not enforce them.  Speed and traffic light violations are enforced by the police, and it is the police who would hold this data. You will therefore need to make a separate request to the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS), using the details on


  4. If they are not operational, why not? Such devices are only meant to be installed where there is a hazard to road or footpath users – if that is why they were installed then why are they not operational. If they are not installed for such reasons why are they installed at all?

As aforementioned, the three safety cameras stated above are all operational. There is a London wide policy to install speed cameras at locations with a history of four killed or serious injury collisions (KSI) in the preceding three year period, two of which must have been as a result of speeding.


If this is not the information you are looking for, please feel free to contact me.


Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal.


Yours sincerely,


Melissa Nichols

FOI Case Officer


FOI Case Management Team

General Counsel

Transport for London


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