
17497 requests found

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By the authority of the Freedom of Information Act I would like to request information about bus route tenders beyond what is available on your website. I am a PhD student at a public research...

Please could you send me one ,if possible, big red book (the handbook issued to bus drivers). I will provide a postal address (using a private email) when a reference number is issued.

Did TfL experience increased demand during Lovebox/Citadel festival held 14 & 15th July 2017 and Field Day/Mighty Hoopla festival held 2nd & 3rd June in Victoria Park? How much additional demand...

Following the article on The Times newspaper today I would like to request; 1). Copies of any documentation; 2). Copies of any PIA's (Privacy Impact Assessments) that were completed and reviewed; 3)....

Please could you possibly try to send me the old duties (duty cards, rotas etc) of First London (which went bust in 2013) as I am interested to see the difference in London duties from Outer...

Please disclose the following information, in 2016 the total number of Private hire driver revocations, and of that figure how many licences were revoked for Touting offences, and how many licences...

Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information from TFL: How many injuries have been recorded at each individual station...

Please could you provide me with; 1 The total amount of money that RT - the Russian English-language TV news channel - have spent with Transport for London on advertising across all your outlets,...

Using current monitoring equipment in the areas of cycle superhighways can you tell me the figure for NOX and PM 2.5 pollution every year for the last 5 years. Including the period when the construction...

Could you please tell me: a) The numbers of passengers using the Emirates Air Line each day, in each direction (northbound and southbound), between Sunday 8 October and Saturday 14 October 2017. b)...