
17564 requests found

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Request for works details / streetworks notices and resurfacing works on or near to 79 Camden Road, London, NW1 9HS for the 8 years prior to 5.10.18

TfL recently changed its process and online form for Service Delay Refunds. I would like to know what impact this change has had on passengers’ ability to raise claims successfully without the...

Many thanks for sending this information, much appreciated. In relation to the unsuccessful second part of the request: the open data includes a dataset showing NR-DLR journeys to and from...

Thank you for the reply to my FoI request, ref 2506-1819. There are some clarifications that I need. I note with interest that you (TfL) do not require planning consent to place traffic signals...

Many London councils have employed cameras that can automatically detect yellow box junction offences, banned manoeuvres (left, right or U turns) or failure to comply with a no entry sign. Do...

Sutton Council and TFL have been having talks and meetings regarding the dangerous right turn from Lumley Road on to the Sutton Bypass. There have been 2 very serious accidents at this junction...

Peter Davidson Consultancy Ltd was commissioned by Enfield Council to undertake a study relating the the economic justification of a new railway station at Picketts Lock. They undertook this...

Please send me the disruption statistics for the Piccadilly line on 7th March 2019

Under the Freedom of Information Act I write asking if you could supply the following information on PHV (Private Hire Vehicles) in London. • Split by propulsion type (petrol, diesel, LPG,...

• What is the budget of the TfL unit looking at wifi tracking? Please break this down per year since the introduction of the unit until the most recent date. • Please share any internal reports/...