
17564 requests found

If you have a question regarding your ongoing request, please email [email protected]

I am writing to request information from you regarding your Local Authority's Public Works Loan Board applications. Please can you specify, for each loan, what the purpose of the loan was.

How many Licenced Taxi Drivers have had their licences revoked or suspended due to depression, anxiety or any other mental health condition in 2018. Please list the years separately.

Can you please provide me with a list of the full benefits and mental health support that TFL taxi & private hire staffers are entitled to? How many TfL licensed drivers do TfL email weekly...

It has been brought to my attention this morning that sometime in late November 2018 Transport for London was contacted by the Metropolitan Police who informed you that a TfL licensed taxi driver...

There was a senior reps meeting on the 10th April, can you please tell me when the meeting discussion notes will be made publicly available as a believe the mental health of drivers was raised,...

I would like a breakdown of recorded lost property from members of the public over the last financial year (April 2018 - April 2019) broken down by year. For each category below, if possible...

Can you please send me all emails from Mike Brown that reference "mental health" or "wellbeing" as keywords within the last 3 months.

Please can you provide a track gradient profile (vertical alignment with transitions, with 1 in *** information and position) for the District line, specifically the section between Wimbledon...

Could you tell me the percentage of trains taken out of service across the Tube network that, after checking, turn out not to have a fault at all and are simply returned to service? I would like...

Hi, Please can you tell me how many CCTV cameras are on each Underground line and whether they are recording at all time during the line's hours of operation. If they do not record at all times,...