
17564 requests found

If you have a question regarding your ongoing request, please email [email protected]

I would like to ask for statistics for the last 10 years showing the number of fines issued and the numbe of prosecutions imposed on people caught tavelling without a valid ticket, with a breakdown...

Can you advise the timetables for the Metropolitan line Semi-fast and fast train departing from Uxbridge and arriving in please? I would like to know the frequency and exact time to plan my daily...

Would you please provide me with the following information in relation to your Taxi/Hackney Carriage database. Vehicles that were issued a new or renewal licence in the period 1st March 2019...

Please would you confirm the roadworks in place and the road closures for the area marked in the map attached. I have a short time to appeal so your urgent help will be much appreciated. Date...

Follow on from IRV-041-1920 I do not believe that a summary document exists without a main document. Please provide the background information or documents that fed into the summary document

Follow-up to FOI-0938-1920: What about the application to the London Borough of Tower Hamlets to suspend two parking spaces to accommodate the at-last-provided temporary bus-stop, for instance?

I would like to know all information regarding the pilot PCN network, as detailed on pages 150 and 151. Section 6.4, 6.5, 6.6. This request is specifically regarding the pilot and not the "core"...

The outcome of a trial when TfL introduced a bus lane on Farthing Way, Coulsdon between mid-2006 and January 2007 when the bus lane went live.

1. Please provide any and all recorded information and/or statistical data concerning the activity of revenue enforcement officers on the TfL network for the 12 months to 30 June 2019. 2. Please...

You did a study in 2014 about the effects of removing the centre white line from roads and how it affects the speed of drivers. This study can no longer be found on your website (