
17564 requests found

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Dear Transport for London, Would it be possible for you supply me with the traffic count data for a statistics assignment. My understanding is that count point 27236 is an automatic counter...

Please provide copies of Internal Delay Reports and any associated documentation for the incidents of delays for the Metropolitan Line on the following dates: - 23rd October - 24th October -...

Follow on from FOI- 1450-1920 Thank you for your response to my FOI request about the Pulross Road MTVS, received on 11th October. There is much useful and relevant information which has been...

Could I please get the number of complaints made to transport for London against ride-hailing/private hire companies, broken down by type of complaint (eg inappropriate behaviour, dangerous driving)...

Please, could you provide the number of road accident casualties between 01/01/2019 - present. Can this be sub-divided into; total, pedestrian, cyclist and motorcyclist casualties. And, fatal,...

Since the introduction of the age limit on Taxi Vehicles could you please confirm the yearly number of owner Taxi drivers who own a Taxi vehicle.

Follow on from FOI-1949-1920 Thank you very much for the response and information provided. It is very helpful. Part 3 of my original request asked: "3.) Section 11.2 informs us that "through...

How many 2011 plated taxis are currently licenced by TFL and how long will they be allowed to run by TFL please?

Hi, I can see that you published your tech and data strategy for 2016/17- Please could you point me in the direction...

Hello. Please can you provide me with data that shows the number of instances that the Metropolitan line was either 'suspended' or suffering 'severe delays' over the last 12 months. If possible,...