FOI request detail

Use & training of staff in basic life support & AED at Waterloo Undeground Station

Request ID: FOI-4915-1718
Date published: 18 April 2018

You asked

I would like to request information specifically about London Waterloo Underground Station. Please could you tell me: 1. How many TfL staff trained in first aid (basic life support) are on duty each shift per day at Waterloo Underground Station? 2. How many staff at Waterloo Underground Station are trained in using Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs)? 3. How many staff trained in using AEDs are on duty each shift/ per day at Waterloo Underground Station? 4. How often is mandatory training on both of the above? 5. How many AEDs are in Waterloo Underground Station? 6. How often are AEDs checked and who carries out this task? 7. When were AEDs installed in Waterloo Underground Station? 8. How many TfL first aiders and AED trained staff were on duty at Waterloo Underground Station on 6th January 2018 per shift? 9. On average, how many people use Waterloo Underground Station per day?

We answered

TfL Ref: FOI-4915-1718

Thank you for your email received on 16 March 2018 asking for information about Waterloo Underground Station.

Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act and our Information Access Policy. I can confirm we do hold the information you require. You asked:

1. How many TfL staff trained in first aid (basic life support) are on duty each shift per day at Waterloo Underground Station?

There are approximately 9 per shift. Please note station shift coverage is not based on first Aid qualified staff.

2. How many staff at Waterloo Underground Station are trained in using Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs)?

There are 46 staff trained in using AEDs,  however this number changes all the time as staff move on and new ones come in. In addition there is no requirement for staff to be trained in using AEDs as the Resuscitation Council’s recommendation is that any competent person can use them and all LU station staff are deemed competent.

3. How many staff trained in using AEDs are on duty each shift/ per day at Waterloo Underground Station?

It can be anything around 8, 9 or more. In addition as stated earlier there is no requirement to have trained staff.

4. How often is mandatory training on both of the above?

Training is not mandatory. The Resuscitation Council recommends that you do not need formal training to use AED.

5. How many AEDs are in Waterloo Underground Station?

There are 10 AEDs in Waterloo Underground Station.

6. How often are AEDs checked and who carries out this task?

AEDs are checked weekly by the Customer Service Supervisors. Checks are collated and reported to London Ambulance Service monthly.

7. When were AEDs installed in Waterloo Underground Station?

AEDs were installed in January 2005.

8. How many TfL first aiders and AED trained staff were on duty at Waterloo Underground Station on 6th January 2018 per shift?

There were approximately 11 per shift.

9. On average, how many people use Waterloo Underground Station per day?

Station usage information can be found here: http://collab/lu_/fso_/comms_intra_/IntraBaseCamp/ID/SSD-data/RODS%20Data/smoothed_stn_flows_2017.xls

The rows for Waterloo in this file will say how many people use the station as entry (access), exit (egress) and interchange. Please note that in accordance with s12 of the Act we are not obliged to provide the information if it is already accessible elsewhere.

Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal.

Yours sincerely,

Melissa Nichols

FOI Case Officer

FOI Case Management Team

General Counsel

Transport for London

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