FOI request detail

A20 FLOODING - 40MPH Limit Plans – Incident Frequency

Request ID: FOI-4761-2324
Date published: 12 April 2024

You asked

Dear Transport for London, Please provide plans – presumably in PDF or JPG format - of the A20 from the A222 Chislehurst Junction to 200m east of the A20 overbridge above the B2173 westbound onslip, showing the road layout and surrounds and the road markings – including where the TFL Red Route controls apply. These plans to include the roads into the A20 at the three junctions for a distance of 100m before entry to the junction. The first to show the speed limits and signs applying in the first part of 2023. The second to show the speed limits and signs applying after the limit was reduced to 40mph. On the second, show any changes that may have been made since the 40 limit was introduced. Show also where the 50mph sign was which was placed by someone unknown, with the date and time it was made known to TFL, and the date and time it was removed. Show also the best date and time that TFL has for when it was first installed. The distance covered is just over 3km. The scale should be 1:2500. Please also mark on the plans any areas where significant flooding has been observed – a depth of water such as to pose a significant hazard to passing traffic. Each area should have noted the dates and times this was observed, and the duration as recorded. For example, “flooding to a depth of half an inch or more across the area shown at (time) on (date), and this did not clear the carriageway for (time) / until (time) on (date)”. Why are there 30mph start of speed limit signs on the A223 Edgington Way immodestly east of the A224 roundabout, which show 30mph in both directions? These signs do not appear to comply with The Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2016.

We answered

TfL Ref: FOI-4761-2324

Thank you for your request received by Transport for London (TfL) on 22nd March 2024 asking for information about speed limits on the A20.

Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act and our information access policy. 

I can confirm that we hold the information you require.

Specifically you asked:

“Please provide plans – presumably in PDF or JPG format - of the A20 from the A222 Chislehurst Junction to 200m east of the A20 overbridge above the B2173 westbound onslip, showing the road layout and surrounds and the road markings – including where the TFL Red Route controls apply.

These plans to include the roads into the A20 at the three junctions for a distance of 100m before entry to the junction.

The first to show the speed limits and signs applying in the first part of 2023.
The second to show the speed limits and signs applying after the limit was reduced to 40mph.

On the second, show any changes that may have been made since the 40 limit was introduced.
Show also where the 50mph sign was which was placed by someone unknown, with the date and time it was made known to TFL, and the date and time it was removed.
Show also the best date and time that TFL has for when it was first installed.

The distance covered is just over 3km.
The scale should be 1:2500.

Please also mark on the plans any areas where significant flooding has been observed – a depth of water such as to pose a significant hazard to passing traffic.
Each area should have noted the dates and times this was observed, and the duration as recorded.

For example, “flooding to a depth of half an inch or more across the area shown at (time) on (date), and this did not clear the carriageway for (time) / until (time) on (date)”.

Why are there 30mph start of speed limit signs on the A223 Edgington Way immodestly east of the A224 roundabout, which show 30mph in both directions?

These signs do not appear to comply with The Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2016.”

Please note, the Freedom of Information Act covers the provision of recorded information held at the time a request is made. There is no requirement to create new information in response to an FOI request.

In regard to your request for plans, please see the document attached which represents the recorded information we hold in this regard.
In regards to the 50mph sign, this was reported to TfL on 24 January 2024 and removed in the early hours of 25 January 2024. The second document attached is a still image from a Police video. The sign is located at the start of the dotted carriageway slip road markings to the BP petrol station entrance.

The area of flooding is to the west of the petrol station slip road on page 7 of the PDF. We do not hold information on the depth of water during flooding incidents.

In regard to incidence of flooding, TfL does not hold the exact information requested. However, this previous response, published on the FOI pages of our website, provides information on known incidents: – see the link provided in that response.

In regard to your last two question, please note that the A223 is a borough road (London Borough of Bexley) and therefore not under the jurisdiction of TfL

If this is not the information you are looking for, or if you are unable to access it for any reason, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal as well as information on copyright and what to do if you would like to re-use any of the information we have disclosed.

Yours sincerely,

David Wells
FOI Case Officer
FOI Case Management Team
General Counsel
Transport for London


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