FOI request detail

Meetings about the Croxted Road traffic situation

Request ID: FOI-4718-2324
Date published: 15 April 2024

You asked

Background: There has been a group of TfL staff, Southwark Council, Lambeth Council and Helen Hayes MP who have held meetings about Croxted Road (SE21). Croxted Road is considered a 'boundary' road of the Dulwich LTN. I am not aware of when these first started, but I believe around 2021. I am not aware of how many meetings there have been or their frequency.I do not know who from TfL was involved in these meetings. FOI request: Please can you provide all minutes, notes and correspondence from meetings between TfL, Lambeth Council, Southwark Council and Helen Hayes MP. Please let me know if you have any further questions.

We answered

TfL Ref: EIR-4718-2324

Thank you for your request received by Transport for London (TfL) on 20th March 2024 asking for information about the Dulwich Low Traffic Neighbourhood.

Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) and our information access policy. 

Specifically you asked:

Background: There has been a group of TfL staff, Southwark Council, Lambeth Council and Helen Hayes MP who have held meetings about Croxted Road (SE21). Croxted Road is considered a 'boundary' road of the Dulwich LTN.  I am not aware of when these first started, but I believe around 2021. I am not aware of how many meetings there have been or their frequency. I do not know who from TfL was involved in these meetings.
FOI request:

Please can you provide all minutes, notes and correspondence from meetings between TfL, Lambeth Council, Southwark Council and Helen Hayes MP.”

I am afraid there is no quick or efficient way of determining exactly what is held in relation to your request, and no easy way of sourcing all the information you have requested. In particular, the request for all “correspondence” will be a disproportionately time consuming task to complete. We have conducted an automated search of the email accounts of colleagues likely to have been involved in any such correspondence, for any emails exchanged with Lambeth Council, Southwark Council or Helen Hayes MP since 1st January 2021 containing the phrase “Croxted Road”, and this produced 1,794 ‘hits’. To determine which of these falls within the exact scope of your request we would have to manually review them all. For those that are within scope, we would then have to consider whether any of the content is exempt from release and then redact such content. There will invariably be some material that is exempt – for example, personal information (such as the direct contact details of staff) which would be unfair to release. Given the amount of material found, we do not consider it is in the public interest to expend the necessary resource undertaking these tasks. Your request is therefore being refused under Regulation 12(4)(b) of the EIR on the basis that it is ‘manifestly unreasonable’.

Should you wish to submit a refined request focussing on specific information or asking specific questions (i.e. avoiding ‘catch all’ requests such as asking for “all correspondence”) then we will consider it accordingly. Before doing so you may wish to review the information that has already been released on this subject through previous requests. This can be done via the FOI pages of our website here: - you can use the search function to filter these cases, such as using the word “Croxted”.

Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal.

Yours sincerely,

David Wells
FOI Case Officer
FOI Case Management Team
General Counsel
Transport for London

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