FOI request detail

Breakdown of Responses to Cycle Superhighway 9 Consultation

Request ID: FOI-4714-1718
Date published: 27 March 2018

You asked

Could we please have the responses given to the main question on the Cycle Superhighway 9 consultation indicating whether the respondent strongly supported/supported/opposed/strongly opposed the scheme overall broken down by post code i.e. TW8, W4 etc. This should include respondents who gave no post code. Could we have the numbers and percentage with the percentage being expressed as the total number of respondents? It should be confirmed whether the numbers do or do not include responses from stakeholder groups as well as individuals

We answered

TfL Ref: 4714-1718

Thank you for your email received by us on 28 February 2018 asking for information about the Cycle Superhighway 9 Consultation.

Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act and our information access policy. I can confirm that we hold the information you require. You asked for the following:

Breakdown of Responses to Cycle Superhighway 9 Consultation

Could we please have the responses given to the main question on the Cycle Superhighway 9 consultation indicating whether the respondent strongly supported/supported/opposed/strongly opposed the scheme overall broken down by post code i.e. TW8, W4 etc. This should include respondents who gave no post code. Could we have the numbers and percentage with the percentage being expressed as the total number of respondents? It should be confirmed whether the numbers do or do not include responses from stakeholder groups as well as individuals

We are currently in the process of analysing the consultation responses we have received. Following this analysis, a report will be published later in 2018 outlining the geographical location of respondents and their views expressed about the scheme together with information about the key issues raised by respondents.

Because we already intend to publish the information you have requested, your request for information is subject to an exception from disclosure in accordance with section 22 of the FOI Act which covers information intended for future publication.

The use of this exemption is subject to a public interest test, which requires us to consider whether the public interest in applying the exception outweighs the public interest in disclosure. We recognise that the release of information would promote transparency and also help inform you about this issue. However, we consider that the release of the information in its current form would not serve the public interest as the analysis is incomplete and could potentially be misleading. Given the relatively short interval before publication we consider that the public interest favours the use of the exception at this time.

If this is not the information you are looking for, or if you are unable to access it for any reason, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal as well as information on copyright and what to do if you would like to re-use any of the information we have disclosed.

Yours sincerely

Jasmine Howard
FOI Case Officer
Information Governance
Transport For London


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