FOI request detail

Free Travel for GLA/TfL Employees

Request ID: FOI-4692-2324
Date published: 17 April 2024

You asked

How many employees of GLA and TfL are entitled to free travel on London buses and trains networks? Does this benefit extend to their families and if so to how many? What is the total number of people entitled to free travel on the TfL and other networks associated with it? Are there any other categories of people entitled to free travel other than those pensioners in possession of freedom passes et cetera? What is the annual cost based on fares foregone of providing free travel to employees and their families et cetera of the GLA and/or TfL?

We answered

TfL Ref: FOI-4692-2324
Thank you for your request received by Transport for London (TfL) on 19 March 2024 asking for information about free travel for GLA and TfL employees.
Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act and our information access policy. I can confirm that we do hold some of the information you require.
Specifically you asked:
How many employees of GLA and TfL are entitled to free travel on London buses and trains networks?
Does this benefit extend to their families and if so to how many?
What is the total number of people entitled to free travel on the TfL and other networks associated with it?
TfL colleagues, and colleagues of its transport operators such as buses, DLR, Overground, Trams and Elizabeth Line are entitled to free travel on TfL operated services (excluding the Thames Clipper and Cable Car). This is a long standing employee benefit which is integral to TfL’s employee offering enabling it to attract and retain colleagues. The total number of TfL colleagues entitled to free travel is outlined in the below table.
GLA employees are not entitled to free travel on TfL services.
This benefit extends to one nominated person living at the same address as the TfL employee.
The total number of employee travel passes for TfL, its third party operators (such as DLR, Trams, Overground), Bus Operators and Retirees are provided in the below table:
TfL Staff26,707
Third Party Staff4,788
Bus Operators33,198
Retired Staff25,379
The total number of nominee passes in circulation for TfL colleagues, its third party operators (such as DLR, Trams, Overground), Bus Operators and Retirees are provided in the below table:
TfL Nominees19,948
Third Party Nominees3,385
Bus Operator Nominees22,146
Retired Nominees10,772
Are there any other categories of people entitled to free travel other than those pensioners in possession of freedom passes et cetera?
Information about free travel on our transport services is available on our website here:
In accordance with section 21 of the FOI Act, we are not obliged to supply you with a copy of the requested information as it is already accessible to you elsewhere.
What is the annual cost based on fares foregone of providing free travel to employees and their families et cetera of the GLA and/or TfL?

We do not hold this information as we cannot record what journeys might have been taken if the journeys had been paid for.

Additionally, there is no cost to TfL because the number of journeys made is a tiny proportion of the 13m journeys made every day on TfL-run transport, meaning no additional services need to be operated. All TfL employees and their nominees are expected to act as ambassadors for TfL, helping ensure the security of the system and helping assist our customers where necessary.

Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal as well as information on copyright and what to do if you would like to re-use any of the information we have disclosed.
Yours sincerely,

Mary Abidakun
FOI Case Officer
FOI Case Management Team
General Counsel
Transport for London

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