FOI request detail

noise desibles in the underground network

Request ID: FOI-4287-2324
Date published: 14 March 2024

You asked

What is the average noise decibels of the Northern line? What’s this highest recorded noise decibels recorded on all underground networks? What is the highest noise decibels recorded on the Northan line, and which part of the route was that recorded on? Had tfl recieved any advice on the level of noise decibels in the underground by any department/advisory? Has tfl be subject to any liability due to the noise desible in the underground network? Has tfl been advised on noise desibles in the undergroud network at the potential harm to commuters? If so, when were the advised?

We answered

TfL Ref: FOI-4287-2324

Thank you for your request which we received on 19 February 2024.

Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Environmental Information Regulations (EIRs) and our information access policy.  I can confirm that we hold the information you require. You asked:

What is the average noise decibels of the Northern line?

The average saloon and in cab noise is 81dBLAeq for the entire line or 86dBLAeq for the tunnel section only.

What’s this highest recorded noise decibels recorded on all underground networks?

In the last 3 months he highest recorded noise was 100dBLAeq for a duration of 2m16s, the highest instantaneous peak noise was 123dBCPeak.

What is the highest noise decibels recorded on the Northern line, and which part of the route was that recorded on?

The highest noise was 91dBLAeq for a duration of 2m43s between Camden Town and Euston (City branch), the highest instantaneous peak noise in the same section was 118dBCPeak.

Had tfl received any advice on the level of noise decibels in the underground by any department/advisory?

There are legally set levels of noise for employees, so the measurement focuses on our colleagues, train operators, who spend most time travelling on our network. It is the measurements within the drivers’ cabs that help inform the engineering actions to be taken, albeit we are now in a position where we know most of the locations that are noisy and take a planned approach to grinding. We use this data to direct and measure our continuous rail grinding programme and track renewal and maintenance, ensuring levels are within the limits as set by the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) on occupational exposure for employees. More information can be found on the HSE’s website using the following link:,pressure%20of%20140%20dB(C)

We are considering, given there is no national legal framework for exposure to noise for the public or customers, how best to measure that noise to ensure that we do not expose our customers to health risks associated with high levels of noise. 

Has tfl be subject to any liability due to the noise decibel in the underground network?

If a personal injury claim has been made for noise induced hearing loss (NIHL) by a passenger or employee, then such claims are passed to our service provider Gallagher Bassett to handle.

As far as we are aware, TfL has not been contacted by any passengers or customers in relation to liability relating noise on the Underground network.

Has tfl been advised on noise decibels in the undergroud network at the potential harm to commuters? If so, when were the advised?

TfL’s noise experts have reviewed the noise level that our customers are exposed to, particularly in the context of potential damage to their hearing. Having reviewed the noise levels across the Underground network, we are confident that our customers are not exposed to levels that will damage their hearing. We recognise that the noise levels in some sections of the Underground network are high at certain locations and we have a programme in place to reduce the noise created between the train wheels and the train tracks. This grinding programme is for all lines, including the Northern line.

If this is not the information you are looking for, or if you are unable to access it for any reason, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal as well as information on copyright and what to do if you would like to re-use any of the information we have disclosed.

Yours sincerely

Eva Hextall
FOI Case Management Team
General Counsel
Transport for London

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