Request ID: FOI-4234-2324 Date published: 18 March 2024
You asked
Dear TfL
Please can you provide a copy of the local traffic order for the above road on 1/2/2024 & 7/2/2024.
Please can you provide the calibration certificate for the speed camera for the above road on 1/2/2024 & 7/2/2024.
Please can you provide GIS extract in DWG format which can be opened in AutoCAD so that vehicle tracking software can be run for the above road on 1/2/2024 & 7/2/2024.
We answered
TfL Ref: 4234-2324
Thank you for your request received by Transport for London (TfL) on 20 February 2024 asking for information about the A20 speed restrictions.
Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Environmental Information Regulations and our information access policy. I can confirm that we hold some of the information you require. Your questions and our replies are as follows:
Please can you provide a copy of the local traffic order for the above road on 1/2/2024 & 7/2/2024.
The traffic orders are available on our website using the following link to a previously answered request for the same information:
Please can you provide the calibration certificate for the speed camera for the above road on 1/2/2024 & 7/2/2024.
The Calibration Certificates for the cameras are held by the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) Enforcement team. Please contact the MPS directly to request this information:
Please can you provide GIS extract in DWG format which can be opened in AutoCAD so that vehicle tracking software can be run for the above road on 1/2/2024 & 7/2/2024.
In accordance with the EIR, we are not obliged to supply some of the requested information as it is subject to a statutory exception to the right of access to information under regulation12(5)(e). In this instance the regulation 12(5) (e) exception has been applied as disclosure would adversely affect the confidentiality of commercial information, when protected by law to cover the legitimate economic interest of TfL and the data owners.
The data you’ve asked for in this part of your request is Ordnance Survey Highways Master Map data which falls under the Public Sector Geospatial Agreement (PSGA). We have a licence to use Ordnance Survey data in our own system but the licence prevents us from distributing this data to anyone without a licence. If we were to disclose these then it is likely to prejudice Ordnance Survey’s commercial interests as we would be bypassing the commercial pathways that Ordnance Survey has in place to sell this data and therefore affect one of their revenue streams. In addition they would be reluctant to allow us to use their data in future.
The use of this exception is subject to an assessment of the public interest in relation to the disclosure of the information concerned. We recognise the need for openness and transparency by public authorities, but in this instance the public interest in ensuring that we are not affecting the potential revenue Ordnance Survey are able to obtain and we continue to have access to their data outweighs the general public interest in increasing transparency of our processes.
If you would like to request access to this data please contact Ordnance Survey directly:
If this is not the information you are looking for, or if you are unable to access it for any reason, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal as well as information on copyright and what to do if you would like to re-use any of the information we have disclosed.
Yours sincerely
Sara Thomas FOI Case Management Team General Counsel Transport for London