FOI request detail

Questions about the Superloop express bus services

Request ID: FOI-3938-2324
Date published: 23 February 2024

You asked

1. What has enabled the New Routemaster to be used on the SL3? Can you release details about this? 2. Why did TfL choose to use the single deck buses for the SL5? Are there restrictions such as low bridges, low trees etc. on the route? 3. Are there plans to use double deck buses on the SL5 in the near future? 4. Will the new Superloop buses have a new interior design, including a colour scheme for handrails, wall coverings and moquette on seats to represent your Superloop branding instead of the interior design selected by bus operating companies? As compared to other branded services in the UK such as Bristol MetroBus, Glider in Belfast, Harrogate 36, Fastrack Kent etc. as they have their own interior design to represent their services. 5. Can you release information about the rapid transit bus network in Thamesmead as part of the vision for the new Docklands 2.0 announced by the government? 6. Are there any plans to expand the Superloop services and create new Bus Rapid Transport/Transit schemes, as mentioned in your Bus Action Plan? If yes, would you be able to release the proposals? 7. An author of his blog has suggested on X (formerly Twitter) that TfL should use articulated/bendy electric buses with tram design for the Superloop. Is TfL aware of the suggestion, and do they plan to purchase and use these vehicles in the future for their Superloop and the Bus Rapid Transport schemes to increase capacity and improve accessibility? 8. Are there plans to include the Superloop on the Tube Map and Tube and Rail Map? 9. Why did TfL choose to use the 'SL' prefix for the Superloop routes instead of the 'X' prefix?

We answered

TfL Ref: 3938-2324

Thank you for your request received by Transport for London (TfL) on 31 January 2024 asking for information about the Superloop bus services.
Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act and our information access policy.  I can confirm that we hold the information you require. Your questions and our replies are as follows:
1. What has enabled the New Routemaster to be used on the SL3? Can you release details about this? Surplus New Routemasters (NRM) vehicles were available for use on route SL3 as a result of other route contract changes a few months ago.

2. Why did TfL choose to use the single deck buses for the SL5? Are there restrictions such as low bridges, low trees etc. on the route? Low trees preclude the use of Double-deck vehicles on SL5.

3. Are there plans to use double deck buses on the SL5 in the near future? The use of Single-deck vehicles for the SL5 service is subject to review and could be operated with Double-deck vehicles pending a review of demand and discussions with the relevant Boroughs on the pruning of trees that would be required.

4. Will the new Superloop buses have a new interior design, including a colour scheme for handrails, wall coverings and moquette on seats to represent your Superloop branding instead of the interior design selected by bus operating companies? As compared to other branded services in the UK such as Bristol MetroBus, Glider in Belfast, Harrogate 36, Fastrack Kent etc. as they have their own interior design to represent their services. There are no immediate plans of this nature.

5. Can you release information about the rapid transit bus network in Thamesmead as part of the vision for the new Docklands 2.0 announced by the government? Please see our website for more information on this at the following link: Please also see our press release for further information. In accordance with section 21 of the FOI Act, we are not obliged to supply you with a copy of the requested information as it is already accessible to you elsewhere.

6. Are there any plans to expand the Superloop services and create new Bus Rapid Transport/Transit schemes, as mentioned in your Bus Action Plan? If yes, would you be able to release the proposals?There are no current plans to expand Superloop beyond the schemes already consulted on but we will continue to look at options and will carry out consultation on any new proposals.

7. An author of his blog has suggested on X (formerly Twitter) that TfL should use articulated/bendy electric buses with tram design for the Superloop. Is TfL aware of the suggestion, and do they plan to purchase and use these vehicles in the future for their Superloop and the Bus Rapid Transport schemes to increase capacity and improve accessibility?
There are no immediate plans for changes to the vehicle types used on the current Superloop network, however this will be kept under review in the light of actual operational experience.

8. Are there plans to include the Superloop on the Tube Map and Tube and Rail Map? We are reviewing how Superloop appears on all mapping products, including the London Underground map.

9. Why did TfL choose to use the 'SL' prefix for the Superloop routes instead of the 'X' prefix? The SL prefix was decided upon following specific customer research to determine the most appropriate prefix for these services.

If this is not the information you are looking for, or if you are unable to access it for any reason, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal as well as information on copyright and what to do if you would like to re-use any of the information we have disclosed.

Yours sincerely

Sara Thomas
FOI Case Management Team
General Counsel
Transport for London

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