FOI request detail

Road works on the A24 Clapham Southside j/w Cavendish Road

Request ID: FOI-3719-2324
Date published: 29 January 2024

You asked

Dear tfl Re: road works on the A24 Clapham Southside j/w Cavendish Road Below are copies of the letter you sent the local residents of Gaskarth Road on 2nd Nov 2023 warning about the above roadworks, there is absolutely no mention of the massive increase in traffic on Gaskarth Road in the “How this may affect you” section, when what has actually happened is that Gaskarth Road has become an alternative to the South circular. Our road is being flooded in traffic, causing disturbance and distress to the residents, an increase in pollution and some terrible road rage incidents as Gaskarth Road narrows to a point only allowing one-way traffic. Please see attached screenshots of Google & Waze SatNav systems sending traffic down our road instead of the South Circular. The residents on our street (this and your reply will be distributed to the street group WhatsApp), would like to have answers to the following: • Where is the impact report that should’ve been carried out prior to the work commencing?

We answered

TfL Ref: FOI-3719-2324

Our Customer Services team has passed over your email below of 10th January 2023 about road works on the A24 junction with Cavendish Road as it contains a request for recorded information.

Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act and our information access policy. 

Specifically you asked:

Where is the impact report that should’ve been carried out prior to the work commencing?”.

TfL does not hold the requested information as no such “impact report” was carried out. However, I understand that during the pre-construction stage of the work, the temporary traffic management and signal arrangement was reviewed and optimised to minimise impacts at the junction, as part of the temporary traffic management design. Under the current phase of work on site, we are installing a central refuge island on A205 Cavendish Road (South Circular Road) for the new pedestrian crossing and this will be followed by carriageway resurfacing on 7-8 February. After the resurfacing, a new method of control will be introduced at the junction from 9 February, and this will further improve the operation of the junction, while we complete the remaining work.

I understand that our Customer Services team has addressed your other, non-FOI related questions at the end of last week.

Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal.

Yours sincerely,

David Wells
FOI Case Officer
FOI Case Management Team
General Counsel
Transport for London

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