FOI request detail

Croydon flyover A232, specifically the area west bound near the slip road to A236.

Request ID: FOI-3570-1920
Date published: 12 March 2020

You asked

Under the freedom of information Act 2000, I would be grateful if you would provide the following information in relation to Croydon flyover A232, specifically the area west bound near the slip road to A236. Dates of all safety inspections undertaken on the carriageway in the past two years. Details of all carriageway defects identified during safety inspections in the past two years. Details of how carriageway safety inspections are undertaken, including whether walked or driven, the speed of the inspection vehicle and the number of persons in the vehicle. The intended frequency of carriageway safety inspections. Details of all complaints and/or enquiries relating to the carriageway, received in the past two years. The hierarchy classification. The road/section number. The defect intervention criteria adopted in relation to the identification of all categories of carriageway potholes. The time period(s) adopted between identification and repair (temporary and permanent) of all categories of carriageway defects

We answered

Our Ref:         FOI-3570-1920

Thank you for your request received 19 February 2020 asking for information about the A232 Croydon Flyover.

Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act and our information access policy. I can confirm we hold some of the information you require. You asked for:

• Dates of all safety inspections undertaken on the carriageway in the past two years
• Details of all carriageway defects identified during safety inspections in the past two years

The attached report contains information for the A232 Croydon Flyover from 25 February 2018 to 25 February 2020.

This includes:
• Safety Inspections
• Defects repaired (to note these have come from a variety of sources not just from inspections, the data is not stored in this detail)
• Defects reported through the public enquiry manager (PEM)

• Details of how carriageway safety inspections are undertaken, including whether walked or driven, the speed of the inspection vehicle and the number of persons in the vehicle.

The safety inspections were carried out through a driven inspection with two specifically trained people in the vehicle. On high speed roads where there is no footway or the roads where the carriageway it too wide to identify defects from the footway. Safety inspections are carried put by two people in a slow moving vehicle, wherever possible they are carried out during off peak times.

• The intended frequency of carriageway safety inspections.

The intended frequency of carriageway inspections on the A232 Croydon Flyover is a weekly driven inspection.

• Details of all complaints and/or enquiries relating to the carriageway, received in the past two years

There have been 55 complaints relating to the carriageway on the A232 Croydon Flyover received by the TfL customer contact centre in the last two years. To note the public enquiry manager information also includes complaints not made to the customer contact centre that are not recorded elsewhere within TfL. We do not record the specific details.

• The hierarchy classification

The classification of the A232 Croydon Flyover is a Primary A Road.

• The road/section number

The road section number is 0000A232_3/00030 (this is an internal TfL ID).

• The defect intervention criteria adopted in relation to the identification of all categories of carriageway potholes

When carrying out a safety inspection, the following shall be classified as defects under the London Highways Alliance Contract (LoHAC):

• A pothole 20mm or deeper over 100sqcm or more within 1.5m of the kerb or within a formally marked cycle lane
• A pothole 30mm or deeper over 100sqcm or more elsewhere

• The time period(s) adopted between identification and repair (temporary and permanent) of all categories of carriageway defects

The time periods adopted are based on risk factor as detailed under the London Highways Alliance Contract (LoHAC):

Risk factor Category of defect Response
16 or 20 Cat 1(ECO*)
Attend and take appropriate action within 1 hour (for defects affecting the Strategic Route Network) or within 2 hours (for all other parts of the Affected Property)
• 8 to 15 Cat 1 Make safe or complete temporary or permanent repair within 24 hours
• 6 Cat 2H Complete permanent repair within 7 calendar days
• 3 to 5 Cat 2M Complete permanent repair within 28 calendar days
• 1 or 2 Cat 2L No response required
• Emergency Call Out

Risks explained (as per contract): The risk factor for a particular risk is the product of the risk impact and the risk probability and is therefore in the range of 1 to 20. It is this factor which shall identify the overall seriousness of the risk and consequently the speed of response to remedy the defect. Accordingly, the category of the defect and the response time for dealing with it shall be determined by correlation.

If this is not the information you are looking for, or if you are unable to access it for some reason, please feel free to contact me.

Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal.

Yours sincerely

Gemma Jacob
Senior FOI Case Officer
FOI Case Management Team
General Counsel
Transport for London

[email protected]


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