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FOI request detail

Yellow Box Junction A406

Request ID: FOI-3560-1819
Date published: 10 April 2019

You asked

I recently had the misfortune to encounter this double yellow box junction for the first time. The road markings & traffic light layout is very confusing, and I feel it is unreasonable to expect approaching drivers without local knowledge to understand how the junction should be negotiated correctly when turning right from Gunnersbury Lane A406 onto Queen's Drive. This is evidenced by the fact that this yellow box junction had the 3rd highest number of PCNs issued in London in the year 2017 (8,372 as per FOI request FOI-0042-1819/GH. Each time I have been near this junction since, there was a constant stream of confused drivers being honked at by other drivers, and near miss accidents. I can find no information on how this particular, dangerous junction, or double yellow box junctions of this type should be negotioted. Please supply FULL instructions, including traffic light signals to be observed, for carrying out a right turn correctly at this junction from Gunnersbury Ave onto Queens Drive.

We answered

TfL Ref: FOI-3560-1819

Thank you for your email of 23rd March 2019 asking for information about the yellow box junction at Hangar Lane / Ealing Village.

Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act and our information access policy.

Specifically you asked:

“I recently had the misfortune to encounter this double yellow box junction for the first time. The road markings & traffic light layout is very confusing, and I feel it is unreasonable to expect approaching drivers without local knowledge to understand how the junction should be negotiated correctly when turning right from Gunnersbury Lane A406 onto Queen's Drive. This is evidenced by the fact that this yellow box junction had the 3rd highest number of PCNs issued in London in the year 2017 (8,372 as per FOI request FOI-0042-1819/GH. Each time I have been near this junction since, there was a constant stream of confused drivers being honked at by other drivers, and near miss accidents. I can find no information on how this particular, dangerous junction, or double yellow box junctions of this type, should be negotiated.

Please supply FULL instructions, including traffic light signals to be observed, for carrying out a right turn correctly at this junction from Gunnersbury Ave onto Queens Drive.”

The requested information is not held by TfL. However, you can find a copy of the Highway Code online via the following link:

This includes a specific section on road junctions:

Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal.

Yours sincerely,

David Wells

FOI Case Officer

FOI Case Management Team

General Counsel

Transport for London

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