FOI request detail

Advertising budget promoting the ULEZ consultation 1st 2nd and 3rd phase

Request ID: FOI-3400-2223
Date published: 17 April 2023

You asked

Please supply under FOI the advertising budget for A promoting the ULEZ expansion consultation in 1 phase one 2 phase two 3 phase three B that the ULEZ is going live after the 4 phase 1 consultation 5 phase 2 consultation 6 phase 3 consultation

We answered

Our Ref:         FOI-3400-2223

Thank you for your request received on 16 March 2023 asking for information about the advertising budget for the Ultra-low Emission Zone (ULEZ) expansion consultation.

Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act and our information access policy. I can confirm that we hold some of the information you require. You asked:

Please supply under FOI the advertising budget for

a)         promoting the ULEZ expansion consultation in

1.         phase one
2.         phase two
3.         phase three

The Central London ULEZ was introduced in April 2019, it was then extended to the North and Circular Roads in October 2021. Several consultations related to the ULEZ were carried out prior to the introduction of the ULEZ and the extended zone, however we do not hold information on the cost of publicity of any earlier consultations on the ULEZ.

In 2022 TfL ran a public consultation from May-July on the next proposed ULEZ expansion. When we run a consultation we look to raise awareness of this with all of the diverse communities that may be impacted by the proposed changes. By doing so we hope to receive feedback from these communities to help us in making the best decisions regarding the future of our projects, programs and policies for London’s transport. A key part of raising awareness, particularly where a proposal impacts people over large parts or all of London, is how we use marketing to promote the consultation. For these large consultations we often use press, digital and radio advertising to ensure communities are aware of what we are consulting on, when we are consulting and how to respond to a consultation. The table below provides the breakdown by month and includes some media activity related to the outcome of the consultation in December 2022 for all actual spend.
  Total advertising spend
2022January (actual spend)£0
February (actual spend)£0
March (actual spend)£0
April (actual spend)£0
May (actual spend)£0
June (actual spend)£63,132.29
July (actual spend)£143,486.38
August (actual spend)£243,907.68
September (actual spend)£0
October (actual spend)£0
November (actual spend)£0
December (actual spend)£2,850

b)         that the ULEZ is going live after the

4.         phase 1 consultation
5.         phase 2 consultation
6.         phase 3 consultation

The advertising budget to raise awareness and prepare drivers for implementation of the Central London Ultra Low Emission in April 2019 was £1,595,667.77, with messaging appearing in national press, specialist press, radio, posters, on buses, petrol station screens, petrol pump nozzles, London press titles, Goggle search, Waze (a wayfinding driving app). This was supported by over 5.3 emails to customers registered with TfL and over 600k letters sent via the DVLA to owners of non-compliant vehicles. 
The advertising budget to raise awareness and prepare drivers for the extension of the Central London ULEZ up to the North and South Circular Roads in October 2021 was £2,507,050 with advertising on TV and video on demand, specialist press, radio, posters, on buses, petrol station screens, petrol pump nozzles, London and local press titles, Goggle search, social media, online video, Google search, digital display, Waze (a wayfinding driving app). This was supported by over 5.3 emails to customers registered with TfL and over 1,068,486 letters sent via the DVLA to owners of non-compliant vehicles seen the zone.  This was supported by over 5 million emails to customers registered with TfL, face to face leafleting visiting locations with high natural footfall e.g. shopping centres  and a  633,659 leaflet door drop to residents living within a 1.1km radius outside the boundary and 1.875km radius inside the boundary of the expanded zone.

The budget to prepare drivers for the forthcoming expansion of the inner London ULEZ across all London Boroughs being implemented on 29 August 2023 is £9m. In January 2023, TfL launched a multi-channel campaign to raise awareness of the ULEZ across all London boroughs following the Mayor of London’s decision to progress with the expansion. The campaign targets drivers to raise awareness and to explain who is affected, where the expanded zone will operate and how the scheme operates including hours of operations, daily charge and how to pay. The campaign aims to encourage vehicle checking to help drivers prepare ahead of when the scheme expands from 29 August 2023.

The following channels are being used or will form part of the campaign leading up to August 2023:
•           TV
•           Specialist trade press
•           Posters
•           Radio
•           Digital audio
•           National press 
•           Pan London press and local press titles
•           Partnership activity
•           Fuel nozzle advertising in petrol stations
•           Social
•           Paid search
•           Leafleting
•           Emails using the TfL database
•           Letters via the DVLA

The campaign will enable TfL to reach over 3.3m vehicle owners in London six or more times as well as 6.5m vehicle owners in the home counties six or more times so those who drive in London are aware of the upcoming expansion including boundary and how the scheme operates.
If this is not the information you are looking for please do not hesitate to contact me.

Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal.

Yours sincerely

Gemma Jacob
Senior FOI Case Officer
FOI Case Management Team
General Counsel
Transport for London

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