FOI request detail

Information requested re Mayor’s Construction Academy Scheme.

Request ID: FOI-3377-1819
Date published: 04 April 2019

You asked

Information requested re Mayor’s Construction Academy Scheme.

We answered

Our ref: FOI-3377-1819/GH

Thank you for your request received by Transport for London (TfL) on 1 March 2019 asking for information about the Mayor’s Construction Academy Scheme.

Your request has been considered under the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and our information access policy. I can confirm that we do hold some of the information you require.

As previously advised, the parts of your letter which could be considered under the Freedom of Information Act are:

Update on Mobilisation period, Contract requirements and which organisations have been successful in being awarded Contracts under the Mayor’s Construction Academy Scheme, via Bids for a deadline of 17/9/18.

TfL is one of seven Mayor’s Construction Academy hubs which were announced by the GLA on 25th January 2019. As we are in the early stages of mobilising and our activity has focused on recruiting TfL’s MCA Hub Manager and establishing governance arrangements. There were multiple referral agencies who provided TfL a letter of support, and when delivery begins we will be in touch with partners to discuss how we can engage their candidates.

This was a GLA process and TfL had to go through an application process to gain our ‘MCA Hub Status’. As part of this application process we engaged with a number of organisations, including referral partners like yourselves, to explore how we could engage different audiences as part of our construction programme.

If you are not satisfied with this response please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal.

Yours sincerely

Graham Hurt

FOI Case Officer

FOI Case Management Team

General Counsel

Transport for London

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