FOI request detail

Number of slips & trips accidents reported having occurred on entrance steps leading into station in last 5 years

Request ID: FOI-3362-2223
Date published: 02 May 2023

You asked

Hi TFL, I would like to know how many slips and trips and fall accidents have been recorded in the last 3 years at Brixton station with details of the month they occurred and extent of injuries. I would specifically like to know how many of these accidents have occurred whilst a customer is going into or leaving station via the main entrance steps .

We answered

TfL Ref: 3362-2223

Thank you for your request received by us on 13 March 2023 and following clarification, 8 April 2023, asking for information about Brixton Station..

Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act and our information access policy.  I can confirm that we hold the information you require. You asked:

how many slips and trips and fall accidents have been recorded in the last 3 years at Brixton station with details of the month they occurred and extent of injuries.
I would specifically like to know how many of these accidents have occurred whilst a customer is going into or leaving station via the main entrance steps  .
The London Underground supports nearly four million passenger journeys per day, and about 900 million journeys a year. The safety of our staff and customers is our top priority and the Tube is recognised as one of the safest metros around the world, with only around one incident occurring in every ten million passenger journeys. Despite this, we are never complacent, and continuously strive to reduce injuries and help our customers travel safely.

We have done a lot to understand the key locations, issues and contributory factors which lead to customer accidents. To reduce the numbers of incidents we are focussed on both influencing customer behaviour and changing our infrastructure where possible to remove/reduce risk including a structured safety communication plan for communicating potential risks to our customers, including visual communications such as posters within our stations. We continually monitor the effectiveness of our measures and campaigns in reducing accidents and adjust our approach accordingly.

Please see the attached spreadsheet providing the requested data in two tabs. The first has details of the slips and trips occurring on the station steps of Brixton London Underground Station, whilst the second tab is for other slips and trips from April 2020 – March 2023. To summarise, during the financial years of 2020/21 to 2022/23, there were 69 persons involved in slips, trips and falls incidents at Brixton Tube Station. Eight persons were involved in slips, trips and falls on the station’s entrance stairs. Of these, one person was seriously injured and five sustained minor injuries. Two others were involved in near misses where no injuries were sustained.

In the meantime, we would like to advise that Brixton Train Station is managed by the Southeastern rail operating company, rather than TfL.

If this is not the information you are looking for, or if you are unable to access it for any reason, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal as well as information on copyright and what to do if you would like to re-use any of the information we have disclosed.

Yours sincerely

Jasmine Howard
FOI Case Officer
FOI Case Management Team
General Counsel
Transport for London


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