FOI request detail

Pay Bands and Structures Across Grades

Request ID: FOI-3222-2425
Date published: 03 February 2025

You asked

I am seeking detailed data on salary bands for all delegated Civil Service grades, including Administrative Assistant (AA) up to and including Grade 6 (G6), along with any special, retained, or industrial grades that align with general Civil Service grades. Please provide the following information for each grade and band within your department or organisation: 1. Salary Min/Max or Spot Rate: Provide the full salary range for each grade, including minimum and maximum pay points or spot rates. 2. Grade/Band and Civil Service Equivalent: If your department operates its own grading structure, please indicate the corresponding Civil Service grade where applicable. 3. Multi-Year Pay Deal: Please confirm whether your department is currently within a multi-year pay settlement. If so, provide details of this arrangement. 4. Mechanism for Reaching Maximum Pay Point: Outline if there is a structured pathway or mechanism for employees to progress to the maximum salary point within their grade (e.g., time-served contractual pay progression, performance/capability-based pay). 5. Non-Consolidated Pay: Confirm whether your department has a non-consolidated pay pot (e.g., for awarding bonuses or a reward and recognition scheme). Include details of such schemes and specify the total amount represented by the non-consolidated pay pot. 6. Contracted Hours: Confirm the number of hours salary calculations as based on (i.e. 42-hour gross / 37-hour net contracts, or any other variations/calculations). Particularly in relation to National Living Wage/Minimum Wage hourly rate calculations. 7. Weeks Per Year: Confirm whether salaries (hourly rates) are calculated based on 52 weeks per year, 52.2 weeks, or another arrangement. 8. Annual Leave: Confirm annual leave, public holiday, and privilege holiday entitlements for all grades (including retained grades). Specify any mechanisms for leave increases (e.g., one additional day per year up to a maximum, or increases after a set number of years). 9. Overtime Arrangements: Confirm overtime pay arrangements for all overtime scenarios (e.g., weekday, weekend, public/privilege holidays). Please provide the requested information in an electronic format, preferably as a spreadsheet/table or other accessible data format. Clarification dated 10 Jan 25 What would be helpful from a TFL perspective is if you could answer the questions in the context of your organisation, please – noting that this is not a direct equivalent with the Civil Service.

We answered

TfL Ref: FOI-3222-2425


Thank you for your revised request which we received on 10 January 2025, asking for information about pay bands and salary structure.


Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act and our information access policy.  I can confirm that we hold some of the information you require. 


As I explained previously, TfL employees are not civil servants and don’t work under the gradings you have listed. The answers we have provided below are based on employees on TfL contracts which is most aligned to the grades criteria you have requested. However, we do not read across to Civil Service grades so the response is written in the context of TfL. It doesn’t reference London Underground, TfL Operations or Rail for London. 


You asked for:


  1. Salary Min/Max or Spot Rate: Provide the full salary range for each grade, including minimum and maximum pay points or spot rates.


TfL Pay Band

Min of Range (2024)

Max of Range (2024)

















  1. Grade/Band and Civil Service Equivalent: If your department operates its own grading structure, please indicate the corresponding Civil Service grade where applicable.


We do not have a read-across to the Civil Service grades.


  1. Multi-Year Pay Deal: Please confirm whether your department is currently within a multi-year pay settlement. If so, provide details of this arrangement.


No. We have just concluded pay talks for 2024 which was a single year pay deal.


  1. Mechanism for Reaching Maximum Pay Point: Outline if there is a structured pathway or mechanism for employees to progress to the maximum salary point within their grade (e.g., time-served contractual pay progression, performance/capability-based pay).


There is no contractual pay progression scheme in place within TfL. Pay progression is collectively bargained for Band 1-3 employees and is operated under a discretionary arrangement for Senior Managers (Bands 4 and 5).


  1. Non-Consolidated Pay: Confirm whether your department has a non-consolidated pay pot (e.g., for awarding bonuses or a reward and recognition scheme). Include details of such schemes and specify the total amount represented by the non-consolidated pay pot.


Performance Award schemes are an important element of the Transport for London (TfL) reward package and enable TfL to recognise its employees for the contribution they make towards the success of the organisation. Schemes are in place covering Pay band 1-3 employees in TfL, Senior Managers, Directors, Chief Officers and the Commissioner.   Maximum performance award opportunities vary by grades and eligibility for any awards is determined by a clear set of business rules that underpin the scheme.   


TfL operate a formal recognition scheme, Make a Difference, which is intended to recognise individuals publicly for their positive actions that have demonstrated our Values.


  1. Contracted Hours: Confirm the number of hours salary calculations as based on (i.e. 42-hour gross / 37-hour net contracts, or any other variations/calculations). Particularly in relation to National Living Wage/Minimum Wage hourly rate calculations.


Contractual hours for employees on TfL contracts are 35 hours per week.


  1. Weeks Per Year: Confirm whether salaries (hourly rates) are calculated based on 52 weeks per year, 52.2 weeks, or another arrangement.


Salaries in TfL are calculated on 52.179 weeks per year.


  1. Annual Leave: Confirm annual leave, public holiday, and privilege holiday entitlements for all grades (including retained grades). Specify any mechanisms for leave increases (e.g., one additional day per year up to a maximum, or increases after a set number of years).


TfL – 30 days per annum + 8 bank holidays


  1. Overtime Arrangements: Confirm overtime pay arrangements for all overtime scenarios (e.g., weekday, weekend, public/privilege holidays).


Within TfL only those at Bands 1-3 are eligible for overtime.


In all circumstances time off in lieu should be used in the first instance, where this is considered impracticable, employees are eligible to be offered overtime pay as set out below. 


Employees in Pay bands 1 and 2 in TfL are eligible for overtime at the enhanced rates as set out in the table below.


Employees in Pay band 3 in TfL can be offered overtime at either their standard hourly rate (basic rate) OR at the enhanced rates as set out in the table below.  


The decision to offer basic rate or enhanced rate is at the discretion of their line manager and is subject to approval from their Senior Manager (Band 4 or above).



Payband 1 & 2

Payband 3 (at the discretion of the line manager)

Monday to Saturday

1.5 x hourly rate

Basic Rate OR 1.5 x hourly rate

Sunday and statutory holidays

2 x hourly rate

Basic Rate OR 2 x hourly rate


Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal as well as information on copyright and what to do if you would like to re-use any of the information we have disclosed. 


Yours sincerely 


Eva Hextall 

FOI Case Management Team

General Counsel

Transport for London

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