FOI request detail

New Routemaster Specifications

Request ID: FOI-3062-1819
Date published: 01 March 2019

You asked

Please could you help answer the following questions I have about the New Routemaster/New Bus for London vehicles: 1. What is the plated weight (kg) of the (i) front axle and (ii) rear axle? 2. What is the capacity (kg) of the (i) front axle and (ii) rear axle? 3. What are the dimensions of the electric ramp and it's mechanism? 4. Please could I have the technical datasheets for the high voltage battery? If not available, what is its capacity (kWh), nominal operating voltage (V), mass (kg) and dimensions? 5. Please could I have the technical datasheets for the motor? If not available, what is its rated voltage (V), rated power (kW) and rated current (A)? 6. What is the mass (kg) of the equipment in the engine bay (engine, generator, DPF, engine radiator and CAC unit, hybrid cooling radiator)?

We answered

TfL Ref: FOI-3062-1819

Thank you for your email of 12th February 2019 asking for information about the specifications of the New Bus for London vehicles.

Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act and our information access policy. Specifically you asked:

1. What is the plated weight (kg) of the (i) front axle and (ii) rear axle?

2. What is the capacity (kg) of the (i) front axle and (ii) rear axle?

3. What are the dimensions of the electric ramp and it's mechanism?

4. Please could I have the technical datasheets for the high voltage battery? If not available, what is its capacity (kWh), nominal operating voltage (V), mass (kg) and dimensions?

5. Please could I have the technical datasheets for the motor? If not available, what is its rated voltage (V), rated power (kW) and rated current (A)?

6. What is the mass (kg) of the equipment in the engine bay (engine, generator, DPF, engine radiator and CAC unit, hybrid cooling radiator)?

TfL does not hold the requested information. This level of detail about the specification of the listed components is only held by the manufacturer, Wrightbus.

Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal.

Yours sincerely,

David Wells

FOI Case Officer

FOI Case Management Team

General Counsel

Transport for London

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