FOI request detail

Route 456 diversion

Request ID: FOI-3006-2223
Date published: 02 March 2023

You asked

Please provide all documents/records/notes/emails or similar in relation to the diversion of route 456 on the 20th January 2023 -around the farm Road/Firs Lane area specially records which indicate any of the following; • When the diversion commenced • When the diversion ended • What route the diverted busses took • How TfL were notified of the need to divert the route • Any impact the diversion had on the performance of the route (e.g. extended travel time)

We answered

TfL Ref: FOI-3006-2223

Thank you for your request which we received on 13 February 2023, asking for information about a bus diversion relating to bus route 456 on 20 January 2023.

Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act and our information access policy.  I can confirm that we hold the information you require. You specifically asked:
  • When the diversion commenced
TfL’s Network Management Control Centre (NMCC) was informed of the road closure at 13:14.
  • When the diversion ended
The road re-opened at 13:33.
  • What route the diverted busses took
Buses were diverted from Station Road via right Green Lanes, left Hedge Lane, ahead Hedge Lane.
  • How TfL were notified of the need to divert the route
The NMCC was informed of the closure by an emergency radio call from a bus driver on the scene.
  • Any impact the diversion had on the performance of the route (e.g. extended travel time)
One bus, that diverted towards Nth Middlesex Hospital, ended up running 15 mins late (losing 7 mins on diversion). This bus lost no mileage.
The bus that called about the closure (heading towards Crews Hill) was caught up at the scene and ended up running 18 mins late. It was curtailed to Enfield, losing Enfield to Crews Hill return.
Please provide all documents/records/notes/emails or similar in relation to the diversion of route 456 on the 20th January 2023 -around the farm Road/Firs Lane area.

Please see the below entry from the Service Delivery Manager;

There was a diversion implemented briefly due to a road traffic closure (RTC) according to the NMCC blog.
“Farm Road, N21 - CLEARED AT 1333hrs
20th January at 1314hrs
Road blocked in both directions at the junction with Ford's Grove due to a RTC.
Routes Affected: 456
At Farm Road, A Green Lanes, L Hedge Lane to line of route in both directions.
Diversion Reference D52750”.

The NMCC have a log of the call from the bus driver on their system. The log contains the information described above.

If this is not the information you are looking for, or if you are unable to access it for any reason, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal as well as information on copyright and what to do if you would like to re-use any of the information we have disclosed.

Yours sincerely

Eva Hextall
FOI Case Management Team
General Counsel
Transport for London

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