FOI request detail

Plans regarding the 112 bus route changes

Request ID: FOI-2803-1819
Date published: 18 February 2019

You asked

I would like to receive the following regarding the re-routing of the 112 bus along Madeley Road: 1. How many responses were received from the consultation carried out? a. How many supported it? b. How many objected to it? c. What issues were raised in the objections? 2. Why has TfL gone ahead of it despite majority opposing the move? (As per official correspondence) 3. When is TfL expecting to start the re-routing? 4. How much money will it save/cost per annum to redirect the bus route? 5. What is the planned time saving/loss of using Madeley Road as the proposed route? 6. What is the rationale in rerouting the bus route? 7. How much is it costing to TfL to implement this change? a. Please break down this cost to specific bus costs, route costs and non-bus/route related? b. How much is Ealing Council receiving? (Both in terms of money and services/goods in lieu of payment – separately itemised) 8. How much extra air pollution will it cause in rerouting as the buses sit in the holding bay at the A406 will cause awful pollution near two secondary schools (plus one that has been approved) and numerous primary schools and nurseries? 9. Why didn’t TfL use the opportunity of instead of re-routing the last part of the route via Madeley Road (to avoid going round Haven Green twice) but instead do what the TfL initially proposed and re-route the bus route down through Ealing’s high street, St Mary’s Road, South Ealing Road and then turn right (A4) to Tesco Osterley (partly overlapping and using bus stops of the 65 route, adding much needed capacity to the worst bus route in West London)? This then avoids using the already congested and heavily-polluted Haven Green. 10. If the TfL works are using the 2015 base model to determine traffic flows, it doesn’t include the following factors so how can any proposal moving forward be constructed fairly and with proper consideration and justification with such significant pending changes: a. The (unjustifiable) changes to Longfield Avenue no left turn/no right turn have impacted greatly on Haven Green increasing traffic and air pollution. b. The impact of the ULEZ as the ULEZ will create a ‘Park Lane/Euston Road’ effect with traffic being pushed to the circumference of the ULEZ (i.e. the A406/A205)

We answered

TfL Ref: FOI-2803-1819

Thank you for your email of 22nd January 2019 asking for information about the re-routing of the 112 bus.

Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act and our information access policy. I can confirm that we hold the information you require. Your questions are addressed in turn below:

Question 1: How many responses were received from the consultation carried out?

a. How many supported it?

b. How many objected to it?

c. What issues were raised in the objections?

Answer: There were 252 responses to the consultation. The answers to questions a-c can be found in the Consultation Report of September 2018 ( Sections 3 and 4 outline the number of responses that supported/opposed the proposals and provide a summary of the responses.

Question 2: Why has TfL gone ahead of it despite majority opposing the move (as per official correspondence)?

Answer: While TfL’s consultations do not function as a referendum, they are still a vital way for the organisation to listen and consider the views of its customers. This consultation has helped TfL to better understand those who use route 112 and their issues. The final decision is based on TfL’s assessment of the overall needs of the community. The September 2018 report referred to above outlines the benefits of the changes, notably that they will reduce journey times and increase reliability on route 112, as well as providing a bus route on Madeley Road which is not currently served by a bus service. Section 1 of the report provides more detail about the purpose and benefits of the changes.

Question 3. When is TfL expecting to start the re-routing?

Answer: This is dependant on the completion of works to reconstruct Madeley Road. At present this is expected to be complete in October 2019.

Question 4. How much money will it save/cost per annum to redirect the bus route?

Answer: The net saving will be approximately £160,000 per annum.

Question 5. What is the planned time saving/loss of using Madeley Road as the proposed route?

Answer: A time saving of up to 8 minutes per return trip during the peaks.

Question 6. What is the rationale in rerouting the bus route?

Answer: We proposed the changes to reduce journey times and increase reliability on route 112, as well as providing a bus route on Madeley Road, which is not currently served by a bus service. The proposals would also mean that parts of the North Ealing area north of Madeley Road would have easier access to the bus network.

Question 7. How much is it costing to TfL to implement this change?

a. Please break down this cost to specific bus costs, route costs and non-bus/route related?

b. How much is Ealing Council receiving? (Both in terms of money and services/goods in lieu of payment – separately itemised)


(a) At present the estimated final cost of the junction works to be carried out by TfL is £200,000. This will, however, be subject to change as the project develops and more accurate estimates can be developed. Note that some of the wider costs involved (such as changes to maps and service disruption notices) will not relate solely to the 112 route, and it is not possible (and would potentially be misleading) to assign proportions of this spend to different routes.

(b) Ealing Council estimated the cost of reconstructing the carriageway on Madeley Road at £1.1m. At present LB Ealing officers are developing detailed estimates for the full cost of the scheme.

Question 8: How much extra air pollution will it cause in rerouting as the buses sit in the holding bay at the A406 will cause awful pollution near two secondary schools (plus one that has been approved) and numerous primary schools and nurseries?

Answer: There will be a net reduction in pollution because the rerouting will reduce the amount of mileage the buses are doing overall. LB Ealing’s works to change the look and feel of Madeley Road are expected to contribute to lower levels of local air pollution as local residents are less inclined to use the street as a shortcut to the A406.

Question 9. Why didn’t TfL use the opportunity of instead of re-routing the last part of the route via Madeley Road (to avoid going round Haven Green twice) but instead do what the TfL initially proposed and re-route the bus route down through Ealing’s high street, St Mary’s Road, South Ealing Road and then turn right (A4) to Tesco Osterley (partly overlapping and using bus stops of the 65 route, adding much needed capacity to the worst bus route in West London)? This then avoids using the already congested and heavily-polluted Haven Green.

Answer: This is covered on Page 76 of the Elizabeth Line bus changes consultation report ( and also in the response to issues raised available at: .

Question 10. If the TfL works are using the 2015 base model to determine traffic flows, it doesn’t include the following factors so how can any proposal moving forward be constructed fairly and with proper consideration and justification with such significant pending changes:

a. The (unjustifiable) changes to Longfield Avenue no left turn/no right turn have impacted greatly on Haven Green increasing traffic and air pollution.

b. The impact of the ULEZ as the ULEZ will create a ‘Park Lane/Euston Road’ effect with traffic being pushed to the circumference of the ULEZ (i.e. the A406/A205)


(a) Any changes to Longfield Avenue are outside the scope of this scheme and do not affect its benefits / disbenefits

(b) TfL is carefully evaluating the effects of the ULEZ, and will propose mitigation measures as appropriate in due course.

If this is not the information you are looking for, or if you are unable to access it for any reason, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal as well as information on copyright and what to do if you would like to re-use any of the information we have disclosed.

Yours sincerely,

David Wells

FOI Case Officer

FOI Case Management Team

General Counsel

Transport for London

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