FOI request detail

TFL Van scrappage Scheme

Request ID: FOI-2802-2122
Date published: 15 March 2022

You asked

Dear sir /Madam We are a local residents group with over 3500 member and are requesting under FOI 2000 Full details on van scrap-page 1- how many applicants are still waiting to receive the grant 2-Is the scheme still in operation or has it been ceased please give dates 3- How many grants has been paid since the closing dates for this scheme 4 - Why is it still on your website if the scheme has stopped 5 - how many grants has been awarded and what was the cost 6- could you please supply full details of Our GLA what is their duties 7 What is the complaint procedure against GLA member

We answered

TfL Ref: FOI-2802-2122

Thank you for your request received by Transport for London (TfL) on 8th March 2022 asking for information about the van scrappage scheme.

Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act and our information access policy. 

I can confirm that we hold some of the information you require. Your questions are answered in turn below:

Question 1: How many applicants are still waiting to receive the grant?

Answer: The number of van and minibus applicants still waiting to receive their grant payment for scrapping their vehicle is 19. Note that customers have up to 6 months (plus 30 days) to provide proof that they have scrapped their vehicle, which is the point at which Transport for London (TfL) will provide the grant payment. This means that applicants will only be waiting to receive their grant if they have not supplied the appropriate scrappage evidence.

Question 2: Is the scheme still in operation or has it been ceased please give dates?

Answer: The van scrappage scheme was suspended on 28 August 2020 - however, the scheme remained open for charities to scrap minibuses. All scrappage schemes closed on 24 November 2021.

Question 3: How many grants has been paid since the closing dates for this scheme?

Answer: The number of grants/applications that have been paid after 28 August 2020 is 2,742. As noted above, this is because while the scheme was suspended on 28 August 2020 any accepted applicants had 6 months (plus 30 days) to provide evidence that they had scrapped their vehicle. The scheme remained opened for charities to scrap minibuses until all scrappage schemes were closed on 24 November 2021.

Question 4: Why is it still on your website if the scheme has stopped?

Answer: The information is still on the website for the public to refer to and is in place to support those who still need to provide evidence to prove eligibility for a grant application they have not yet evidenced to TfL (received prior to the scheme being suspended/closed to new applicants).

Question 5: How many grants has been awarded and what was the cost?

Answer: As of 18 February 2022, there have been 5,239 grant payments made in which 5,804 vans and minibuses were scrapped. £34.7 million has been awarded in grant funding for the van and minibus scrappage scheme.

Question 6: Could you please supply full details of Our GLA what is their duties

Answer: TfL does not hold the requested information. I suggest you search the GLA website (note that the GLA is a distinct entity to TfL) here - - or submit a separate FOI request directly to the GLA via its website here:

Question 7: What is the complaint procedure against GLA member

Answer: TfL does not hold the requested information. However, note that information about making a complaint to the GLA can be found on its website via the following link - for more information you should contact the GLA directly:

If this is not the information you are looking for please do not hesitate to contact me.

Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal as well as information on copyright and what to do if you would like to re-use any of the information we have disclosed.

Yours sincerely,

David Wells
FOI Case Officer
FOI Case Management Team
General Counsel
Transport for London


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