FOI request detail

Freedom of Information Request: level of noise from new tannoy at London Fields

Request ID: FOI-2791-1718
Date published: 27 February 2018

You asked

F/on from FOI-2712 The contact details of the person with overall responsibility for co-ordinating the response to complaints about the new PA system at London Fields. This is to make sure the relevant member of staff is receiving emails and written correspondence. Job titles of those responsible for overseeing the contract for installation of the new system. Job titles of those involved in installing the system and testing the system and their responsibilities (only in relation to the installation of the new PA system at London Fields). This information is required so it is possible to see the line of accountability between TfL/London Overground and the contractor. Copy of the contract between London Overground (or Transport for London, whichever is responsible for commissioning the installation of the new Public Address system at London Fields station) and the contractor responsible for carrying out the works. •Value of the contract •Value for Money assessments related to the contract if these are contained in separate documents. Date and time when the PA system was activated. Date when London Overground received the first complaint about noise levels at London Fields following the activation of the new system. Number of complaints London Overground received prior to the installation of the new PA system from people complaining that the existing PA system at London Fields was too quiet. Where possible, date complaint was made. Number of complainants and number of complaints received by London Overground about noise/noise nuisance after the date and time when the new PA system was activated (whether complaints made directly to London Overground Complaints team, or complaints made to other individuals or other authorities that were subsequently brought to the attention of the Complaints Team). Do not exclude any complaint which could be conceivably related to the level of noise from the new PA system, even if this complaint does not specifically cite the PA system as the source of the noise nuisance. There is no need to include complaints which are obviously related to another matter (for example, complaints about people shouting in the street). A copy of the impact assessment report (or any document which served as an impact assessment report assessing the effect of noise and noise pollution from the installation of the new PA system at London Fields) conducted prior to the installation of the new system. Results of tests conducted to establish the level of noise from PA systems at London Fields. Please include: •the results of a test conducted prior to the installation of the system (this must demonstrate the db levels of tannoy announcements at London Fields prior to 2017); •the results of a test conducted immediately after activation of the new system, and prior to any complaint being made about noise levels emanating from London Fields station; •results of any tests conducted in order to measure level in dB of the new system after complaints had been received; •Please ensure test information includes date and time test was conducted; dB of ambient or background noise; dB of normal service announcements; dB of statutory announcements as well as information about the precise location of all tests conducted (please do not include generic descriptions eg ’on the platform’ ‘in the street’ – it’s important to understand whether the tests were properly conducted and took into account the differences in noise levels at ground level and above ground level, taking into account where the speakers are located and their proximity to residential properties). Copies of all guidance followed by the contractor and London Overground relating to: •Noise levels and noise pollution •Accessibility (it is only necessary to include guidance specifically relating to pa and tannoy systems) •The frequency and volume of statutory announcements at open stations on London Overground network Please indicate whether the guidance followed was the latest guidance – if not, please provide a copy of the latest guidance. A list of current announcements that London Overground is required by law to broadcast over its PA systems. Please only include details of those announcements that London Overground is specifically obliged to broadcast over a PA. If the law is a general injunction about providing information to customers, for example about service levels, but does not specify that this information must be broadcast over a PA system (and could therefore reasonably be provided by other means – LED displays, station staff, hearing loops, posters etc.) do not list this announcement. Copies of any relevant emails or letters related to remedial measures instituted to reduce or mitigate noise levels at the station following the initial complaint. If TfL considers the letter or email to be irrelevant to resolving this issue please do not provide. Copies of any additional emails or letters that you consider may be relevant as part of future mediation on this issue (for example, this could include acknowledgement of receipt of the impact assessment report; confirmation that TfL accepted the results of any tests conducted by the contractor; any documentation that would indicate TfL’s view on the level of noise indicated in the report). It is important to provide copies of any relevant communication, verbal or written assurances that such communication exists will not be accepted.

We answered

Thank you for your emails.

Your request has been considered under the requirements of the Environmental Information Regulations and our information access policy. I can confirm that we do hold the information you require.

Firstly, I have been advised that the issue behind your complaint has now been resolved and the volume of the announcements have been turned down to a level which I hope you find acceptable.

However, if you do still have any outstanding concerns, or experience any related problems in the future, I can confirm that the person responsible for co-ordinating and resolving this problem is Neilsen Roban from our Customer Services, who we are aware you have already spoken to.

However, for your information I can advise that an EIA (under The Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017) would not have been required for these works, as they would not have exceeded the required thresholds.  The PA system was designed to meet a Network Rail Standard (NR L2 TEL 30134) which sets out the ‘Design and Installation Requirements for Public Announcement, Voice Alarm and Long Line Public Announcement Systems’. The NR Standard includes information on maximum and minimum levels of the announcements, and the use of ambient noise sensors.  Section 8.1 also states that “when designing the acoustic coverage due consideration shall be given to environmental requirements and regulations for noise pollution”.  A copy is attached for your information.

Please also see the attached ‘WASP’ pdf which contains documents held regarding the PA system and what spec it is.

The West Anglia Station Project (WASP) contract which includes these works is far reaching; the scope covers the following enhancements to stations on the West Anglia network:

•A thorough deep clean/refurbishment of stations with an improved ongoing cleaning regime, to deliver a better ambience for customers;

•Installation of various items of new, upgraded or replacement equipment at stations to improve security, provide better customer information and enhance ticket retailing capability. The equipment covered is as follows: CCTV systems, help points, public address systems, customer information screens, ticket machines, on platform shelters and seating;

•Enhanced signage and branding to make using stations easier;

•Enhancements to station infrastructure to improve accessibility to persons suffering from disabilities, including the provision of tactile paving, accessibility improvements and handrails with contrasting colours;

•Provision of staff accommodation at all permanently staffed stations;

•Installation of additional ticket gates at certain stations to reduce fraudulent travel.

As the contract is a big document, and the PA system at London Fields is only a small part of the contract, we have not provided it at this time. If you do still require a copy, please do let me know.

If this is not the information you are looking for, or if you are unable to access it for some reason, please do not hesitate to contact me.

If you are not satisfied with this response please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal.

Yours sincerely

Graham Hurt

FOI Case Officer

FOI Case Management Team

General Counsel

Transport for London


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