FOI request detail

Status of platform repair works at East Acton Station

Request ID: FOI-2730-2122
Date published: 21 March 2022

You asked

I am writing to request the release of the following information: 1. Outline details of the contract to the repair of the eastbound platform at East Acton Station (where work began in 2021) including name of the contractor, the agreed timescale, the agreed cost at the start of the project and any subsequent revisions. 2. The release of TFL progress reports relevant to this contract (whether weekly, monthly or by any other measure of time) from the start of the job to the date that this request is processed.

We answered

TfL Ref: FOI-2730-2122

Thank you for your request received by Transport for London (TfL) on 23rd February 2022 asking for information about platform repair works at East Acton station.

Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act and our information access policy. 

I can confirm that we hold some of the information you require. Your questions are answered in turn below:

Question 1: Outline details of the contract to the repair of the eastbound platform at East Acton Station (where work began in 2021) including name of the contractor, the agreed timescale, the agreed cost at the start of the project and any subsequent revisions. 

Answer: The original scope of works being carried out on the eastbound platform at East Acton is the repair to the platform slab in the middle section of the platform, which is supported by a concrete trestle structure. These works have been awarded to Cleshar Contract Services Ltd.  The original platform closure was intended to be from 5th August 2021 for 5 months until December 2021. This was communicated to all stakeholders including local residents via our community liaison team and letters were distributed prior to the closure.

Further to this, structural elements not visible until the platform slab was removed were found to require much more work than anticipated in the original scope and required full replacement rather than repair, including design and fabrication of a new platform support.  We continued to work on-site doing as much of the work as possible up until December 2021, which is when we de-mobilised as works could not continue until the design and fabrication of the platform support structure are complete. Although some works were carried out during the day the majority of the works are carried out at night due to the platform being directly adjacent to the running railway and this avoids closing the Central Line completely. Unfortunately due to condition of the platform the scope of works has significantly increased and the platform closure extended.  Once complete, these works will improve the long-term condition of the platform and the station will resume supporting eastbound journeys on the Central line.

The original costs (in the first row) and later variations (in subsequent rows) are listed below:
Work Description Awarded Value £ Comments
EB Platform Remedial Works £          604,240.98 Works required to remove existing platform furniture, plus demolition and replacement of existing precast platform slab units, following asset failure and risk to customers. Scope includes: concrete repairs to 55 no. trestle supports; application of 2 coatings of anti-carbonation
paint to all trestle surface; re-surfacing the platform with paving grade asphalt. Given the complexity of the works, platform will be closed for the whole duration of the construction phase, i.e. July – December 2021.
Letter Drop catchment increase  £                771.13 21/07/21 - Cost of wider letter drop zone requested by Section 61 approval.
VP03 Clear Route Analysis £           14,948.07 14/09/21 - Clear route analysis to provide assurance for train clearance following adjustment to original platform works
VP04 Out of Sequence Working £           91,867.52 14/09/21 - Out of sequence working to account for additional shifts to address works above 40% threshold tolerance for original scope. Costs also incorporate switch from Traffic Hour working to Engineering hours working.
VP05 Design Proposal for Steelwork support for trestles £           13,315.52 14/09/21 - Design charge to provide steelwork support for damaged trestles.
VP06 Fabrication and installation of Steelwork support for trestles £          833,542.61 18/01/22 - Additional works to address a significantly worse damage to under-platform trestles than foreseen at the time of the original scope and tender stages. Platform closure extended to May 2022 as a result.

Question 2. The release of TFL progress reports relevant to this contract (whether weekly, monthly or by any other measure of time) from the start of the job to the date that this request is processed.

Answer: TfL does not hold this information. The work has been managed via a bi-weekly contractual progress meeting with our contractors and informal progress meetings held on alternate weeks. There are no specific “progress reports” as performance is managed via these meetings.

If this is not the information you are looking for please do not hesitate to contact me.

Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal as well as information on copyright and what to do if you would like to re-use any of the information we have disclosed.

Yours sincerely,

David Wells
FOI Case Officer
FOI Case Management Team
General Counsel
Transport for London


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