FOI request detail

Congestion charge errors from camera located on Swinton Place, WC1X

Request ID: FOI-2657-2324
Date published: 21 November 2023

You asked

To date, how many individual congestion charges determined solely by the congestion charging camera located at Swinton Place, London WC1X have been cancelled/refunded? To date, how many complaints has TFL received in relation to the camera wrongly charging the congestion charge located at Swinton Place, London WC1X? Has TFL placed any type of bar from the camera located at Swinton Place, London WC1X congestion charging specific vehicle registrations due to previous incorrect/erroneous/complained of charging? Is TFL aware that the auto-pay/congestion charge can be wrongly charged in the event a vehicle is static and parked in the same location but the camera detects the vehicle registration on and off as other cars parked in the bay show and hide the registration as they leave and return? In the last one year, how much compensation (in addition to any refund) has TFL paid to drivers where a congestion charge camera has wrongly determined a charge? What was lowest individual compensation amount and what was the highest?

We answered

Our ref: FOI-2657-2324/GH

Thank you for your request received by Transport for London (TfL) on 25 October 2023 asking for information about Congestion Charging.

Your request has been considered under the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and our information access policy. I can confirm that we do hold some of the information you require.

To date, how many individual congestion charges determined solely by the congestion charging camera located at Swinton Place, London WC1X have been cancelled/refunded?

Between 1 January 2018 and 10 November 2023 we have issued 6,684 PCNs at this location for contravention of the Congestion Charging scheme. Please be aware that a vehicle can be captured by multiple cameras when travelling within the zone and we use the best quality image for using the PCN. Therefore the location on the PCN may not be where the vehicle entered the zone.

On receipt of a penalty a motorist has the right to challenge it by submitting a representation to us. If this is accepted the penalty is cancelled. If rejected the penalty remains payable and a further right of appeal to an independent adjudicator at London Tribunals is granted.

Of these PCNs issued we received 1,065 representations of which 645 were accepted and 272 were rejected. The remaining are open.

To date, how many complaints has TFL received in relation to the camera wrongly charging the congestion charge located at Swinton Place, London WC1X?

We do not record such detail in complaints and therefore do not hold this information.

Has TFL placed any type of bar from the camera located at Swinton Place, London WC1X congestion charging specific vehicle registrations due to previous incorrect/erroneous/complained of charging?


Is TFL aware that the auto-pay/congestion charge can be wrongly charged in the event a vehicle is static and parked in the same location but the camera detects the vehicle registration on and off as other cars parked in the bay show and hide the registration as they leave and return?

We do have a process set out in the Terms & Condition of our Auto Pay accounts to advise how account holders can challenge any charges they believe to have be wrongly applied. We believe such instances to be rare but if a customer thinks charges were applied to their Auto Pay in error then they need to follow the charge dispute process.

In the last one year, how much compensation (in addition to any refund) has TFL paid to drivers where a congestion charge camera has wrongly determined a charge?
What was lowest individual compensation amount and what was the highest?

If a charge is erroneously applied to an Auto Pay account the motorist should submit a dispute as per the terms and conditions of the Auto Pay service. When it is shown the charge was applied in error it is refunded or credited back to the account. Steps are then taken to minimise the possibility of further erroneous charges being applied. We do not pay compensation to a motorist for following this process.

We may pay compensation to a customer if it is shown that a complainant has experienced a significant level of inconvenience due to maladministration on our part. We do not record whether the compensation is paid specifically for a charge being incorrectly applied on an Auto Pay account and therefore do not hold this information.

Please let me know if this is not the information you are looking for, or if you are unable to access it for some reason.

If you are not satisfied with this response please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal.

Yours sincerely

Graham Hurt
FOI Case Officer
FOI Case Management Team
General Counsel
Transport for London

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