FOI request detail

The restriction of movement of pedestrians at the New Year's Eve fireworks show and also the New Year's celebration generally in the Westminster area.

Request ID: FOI-2630-1819
Date published: 16 January 2019

You asked

This first part of the request relates to the restriction of movement of pedestrians at the New Year's Eve fireworks show and also the New Year's celebration generally in the Westminster area. The request is restricted to 31st of December 2018 until 12pm 1st January 2019. The word entity should be read to include a person, persons or company. 1. What power(s) were used to restrict pedestrian traffic in the areas described above? 2. Who may exercise the powers described above? 3. Other than the answer to question (2), was such a power granted to non-publicly employed "entities"? 4. What is the extent of the power that can be exercised by the entity? 5. What penalties can be issued by the entity described above? 6. Please may I have a copy of the document that granted the above power to the entity exercising the said power 7. Who supervises the powers that are granted to entities? What oversight is there? 8. Can I have a copy of any instructions given to the entity described above; for example - rules of engagement, operating instructions, hierarchy, alert systems and invitation to tender for such entities etc 9. What powers of enforcement can an entity use? Specifically: 1. what level of physical force may be used? 2. Can an office of an entity issue fixed penalty notices? 10. Are entities required to have public liability insurance? If yes, to what level of cover? 11. What steps are taken to ensure persons working for entities are suitably qualified? 12. Can the above power be used to prevent a resident accessing their private dwelling or their business if to do so would involve crossing an area that fell within a controlled area ? These questions are more general and are not time or location restricted.: 1. How many times has the above power been used within the last 12 months within Westminster? 2. How many private law claims have arisen out of the use of such powers in Westminster?

We answered

TfL Ref: FOI-2630-1819

Thank you for your email received by TfL on 7th January 2019 asking for information about the restriction of pedestrian movements in the Westminster area on New Year’s Eve 2018/19, and on the use of such powers in Westminster previously. 

Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act and our information access policy.

Unfortunately we do not hold the information you have requested. The fireworks show to which you refer was organised by Jack Morton Worldwide Ltd on behalf of the Greater London Authority (GLA). The arrangements surrounding security for the event would have been arranged by those bodies in conjunction with Westminster City Council, the Metropolitan Police and the City of London Police. I would suggest, therefore, that you re-direct your questions to those bodies, who will be able to respond to those questions for which they hold the requested information (I am not sure that any single body will be able to answer all of your questions). I understand that the Council would be best placed to answer your questions about the number of times such powers have been used previously in Westminster and on any associated civil actions.

FOI requests to the GLA should be sent to: [email protected]

FOI requests to Westminster City Council can be made online here:

FOI requests to the Metropolitan Police can be made via its website here:

FOI request to the City of London Police can be made though its website here:

Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal.

Yours sincerely,

David Wells

FOI Case Officer

FOI Case Management Team

General Counsel

Transport for London

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