TfL Ref: 2509-1617
Thank you for your web request received by Transport for London (TfL) on 14 March 2017 asking for information about the forecast date for installing Pedestrian CountDown Lights at the junction between Battersea Bridge and Cheyne Walk.
Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act and our information access policy. I can confirm that we hold the information you require. Your request and our response is below:
- Tell me the date towards which TfL is working to introduce improved arrangements for pedestrians at this junction?
As explained in our previous correspondence, pedestrian countdown timers can only be fitted to those junctions where there are dedicated pedestrian crossing facilities controlled by traffic signals (ie where there is a ‘green person’ facility). The design we are working on will see the introduction of two controlled pedestrian crossings and these will be fitted with the pedestrian countdown feature.
According to our current programme, it is our intention to introduce the pedestrian improvements by the end of the 2018/19 financial year, subject to available funding and necessary approvals. This will include the need to co-ordinate any works at this location with other works affecting the network in the area.
- Please let me have a forecast of the remaining time it will still take for TfL to achieve this improvement
The next step in the process is to gain approval to consult on the proposals. This approval is required as current modelling assessments of the proposals are showing that there are potentially some disbenefits to some road users and this impact needs to be better understood in the context of achieving a balance between all road users, and mitigated as much as possible for adverse impacts on buses. If approval is gained it is our intention to carry out a public consultation exercise during 2017/18 and, subject to the outcome of this, proceed to detailed design for the contractor to then implement.
- In what Financial Year have the funds now been allocated for this necessary work to be undertaken and completed?
We have allocated some of our 2017/18 budget for the consultation and detailed design of this scheme. A decision on the funding for construction in 2018/19 will be made later in the year.
- Please also explain why you have already found it possible to install improved arrangements for pedestrians further along the Embankment at Albert Bridge?
With regards to the existing pedestrian crossing facilities at the junction of Chelsea Embankment and Albert Bridge, each junction is different and offer unique challenges that are required to be overcome when planning changes. The geometry of the junction at Albert Bridge is different to the junction at Battersea Bridge making it possible to have the wider central islands to accommodate pedestrians and there is also less traffic including buses using this junction. Both these factors mean that the junction operation can be run as efficiently as possible whilst striking an acceptable balance between all road users.
If this is not the information you are looking for, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal.
Yours sincerely
Sara Thomas
FOI Case Management Team
General Counsel
Transport for London