FOI request detail

Evidence requested for Will Norman's claim of mini Holland benefits to business

Request ID: FOI-2478-1819
Date published: 18 January 2019

You asked

Will Norman has repeatedly said in recent weeks - most recently in a quote given to the Evening Standard published this morning (17 Dec 2018) - that the Mini-Holland schemes increase footfall and 'boost business'. 1. Will you please provide a copy of the evidence, in particular the data, on which Mr Norman's claims for the positive impact of the Mini-Hollands are based. 2. Will you please also provide the methodology used for the evaluation that generated that evidence. 3. Will you please also provide details of the sample of businesses that was used for the evaluation and how this sample was identified, selected or approached 4. Will you please provide details of any analysis and statistical test you conducted to enable Mr Norman to form that conclusion.

We answered

TfL Ref: FOI-2478-1819

Thank you for your email received on 17 December 2018.

Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act and our information access policy. You asked:

Will Norman has repeatedly said in recent weeks - most recently in a quote given to the Evening Standard published this morning (17 Dec 2018) - that the Mini-Holland schemes increase footfall and 'boost business'.

1. Will you please provide a copy of the evidence, in particular the data, on which Mr Norman's claims for the positive impact of the Mini-Hollands are based.

2. Will you please also provide the methodology used for the evaluation that generated that evidence.

3. Will you please also provide details of the sample of businesses that was used for the evaluation and how this sample was identified, selected or approached

4. Will you please provide details of any analysis and statistical test you conducted to enable Mr Norman to form that conclusion.

The Walking & Cycling Commissioner’s comments are based on the extensive body of evidence showing that schemes which improve conditions for walking and cycling, such as Mini-Holland programmes, can benefit businesses and the wider economy in a number of ways. In November 2018, Transport for London published a fully-referenced online hub collating this growing body of evidence, which can be accessed at

In accordance with s21 of the FOI Act, we are not obliged to supply the requested information if it is already accessible to you elsewhere.

Please see attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal.

Yours sincerely

Melissa Nichols

FOI Case Officer

FOI Case Management Team

General Counsel

Transport for London

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