FOI request detail

ULEZ PCNs Issued in Error

Request ID: FOI-2448-2223
Date published: 19 January 2023

You asked

Dear Sir I have just been sent a PCN by TfL, erroneously demanding payment for a vehicle which is ULEZ compliant. I am wondering: how often does this happen and is it only a ULEZ mistake? Please can you provide data for PCNs issued in each of the past 5 years, broken down by category of PCN, how much money has been collected; and then those where there has been a successful challenge and the reason for the challenge, including issuance in error.

We answered

Our ref: FOI-2448-2223/GH

Thank you for your request received by Transport for London (TfL) on 29 December 2022 asking for information about PCNs issued in error.

Your request has been considered under the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and our information access policy. I can confirm that we do hold the information you require.

TfL operate two emissions based charging schemes the London wide Lowe Emissions zone (LEZ) and the Ultra-Low emission Zone (ULEZ).

In order to establish compliance we predominantly use the vehicle information held by the DVLA. In the vast majority of cases this information allows us to establish if the vehicle meets the relevant emission standards.

However the information held by the DVLA isn’t always comprehensive enough to establish compliance. In order to address this we have established a registration process. This allows a motorist to contact us and provide evidence to confirm their vehicle is compliant. Once received and verified we update our records and mark the vehicle compliant.

Please can you provide data for PCNs issued in each of the past 5 years, broken down by category of PCN, how much money has been collected; and then those where there has been a successful challenge and the reason for the challenge, including issuance in error.

The tables below detail the number of PCNs issued for the LEZ and the ULEZ since 1 January 2018.
ULEZ 482,037332,344546,4421,970,9923,331,815

The ULEZ was launched on 8 and covered the same area as the Congestion Charging zone. On 25 August 2020 it was expanded to cover the area up to, but not including the North and South circular roads. This represented an 18 fold increase in the size for the charging area which is why PCNs issued in 2021 and 2022 are higher than previous years.

When a motorist receives a PCN they have a right to challenge it by submitting a representation. If a motorist receives a PCN and believes it has been incorrectly issued due to their vehicle being compliant we ask that they provide evidence to confirm this. Once received, and verified the PCN, will be cancelled and our records updated to mark the vehicle compliant.  

The table below lists the total number of all representations received against PCNs issued for LEZ and ULEZ

The table below shows the number of representations accepted and the reason why.
Reason 20182019202020212022Total
LEZA048 - LEZ compliant1911192951,8771,0053,487
A098 - Sold vehicle before PCN incurred  4517795443271,012
A107 - Valid Hire Agreement - Liability Transferred3 1209137350
A056 - Mitigating circumstances.2018516815289
A049 - LEZ compliant - Not Registered18401215740267
ULEZA136 - ULEZ - Compliant 1,1851,7127,15935,70545,761
A098 - Sold vehicle before PCN incurred   1,5432,5876,50321,26731,900
A108 - Vehicle not activated to ULEZ Auto Pay Account 1,3951,2186,64418,74728,004
A091 - Ringer/ Clone 4105422,60010,92514,477
A125 – Paid charge for incorrect vehicle - Web Customer Error  1615092,98810,80514,463
Other 33,04620,40919,32336,791109,569
Total 37,74026,97745,217134,240244,174

Details of LEZ and ULEZ income is detailed in our Statements of Accounts which are available online at

All income generated from the operation of the LEZ and ULEZ is used for improving London’s transport network.

If this is not the information you are looking for, or if you are unable to access it for some reason, please do not hesitate to contact me.

If you are not satisfied with this response please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal.

Yours sincerely

Graham Hurt
FOI Case Officer
FOI Case Management Team
General Counsel
Transport for London

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