FOI request detail

CCTV request

Request ID: FOI-2357-1617
Date published: 27 February 2017

You asked

We are writing to ask you to furnish us with some CCTV footage of an alleged unpaid fare. Someone has used my step sons name and address on a 51 bus travelling from Orpington to Woolwich on Sunday 19th February 2017 at 7.15 Running number 111. We have been informed by your enforcement office that this can be obtained from yourselves, so we may be able to identify the culprit.

We answered

Our Ref: FOI-2357-1617

Thank you for your e-mail. London's bus services are operated by individual bus companies on behalf of TfL. Any CCTV on London buses is the responsibility of the company that runs that particular service or route. If you require access to images of yourself recorded by a CCTV camera inside a bus you should contact the company who operates that particular bus route. You can find this information from signage displayed inside each vehicle or you can search a for a route number on our website to find the operator.

If you have any other queries with which I can be of assistance please feel free to contact me.

Yours sincerely

Gemma Jacob
FOI Case Officer
FOI Case Management Team
General Counsel
Transport for London

[email protected]

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