FOI request detail

Data for 2018 on passenger numbers for bus routes 96, 428 and 492.

Request ID: FOI-2320-1920
Date published: 19 November 2019

You asked

I request this data on passenger numbers as it is relevant to the closed consultation proposing changes to bus routes 428 and 492. This consultation included a judgment that: making a shorter reduction for route 428, so that it would continue to run between Erith and Dartford, WOULD PROVIDE MORE CAPACITY THAN IS NEEDED ON THIS SECTION OF BOTH ROUTES. I have included the request for passenger number data for the 96 bus route as this uses part of the routes proposed to be cut and is already very busy during peak times.

We answered

TfL Ref: 2320-1920

Thank you for your request received by Transport for London (TfL) on 4 November 2019 asking for information about passenger numbers on bus routes 428, 492 and 96.

Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act and our information access policy.  I can confirm that we hold the information you require.

The average weekday passenger boardings for the 3 requested routes is as follows:

Route 96:  20,729

Route 492: 3746

Route 428: 3830

In the peak hour, there is a combined maximum demand for 491 passengers between Bluewater and Crayford on the 96 and 428.  This is the equivalent of needing 6 buses per hour. At present the 428 and the 96 provide 11.5 buses per hour between Bluewater and Crayford. With the curtailment of the 428 it will leave the 96 providing 7.5 buses per hour. With a maximum demand for 6 buses per hour, route 96 provides sufficient capacity.

For your information, capacity is set by demand in the busiest hour at the busiest point and demand data is calculated for a typical day using Oyster, contactless payment card (CPC) and other ticket type data and calculating the average figures across weekdays, Saturdays and Sundays to provide a representation of a typical day.

If this is not the information you are looking for, or if you are unable to access it for any reason, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal as well as information on copyright and what to do if you would like to re-use any of the information we have disclosed.

Yours sincerely

Sara Thomas

FOI Case Management Team

General Counsel

Transport for London

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